Contemplating Morality

Contemplating Morality
Unfortunately, according to many, morality is mostly absent in Atheists. Therefore, I have a question for my Christian friends. Stretch your imagination. Suppose after contemplation and studying the background of the Bible and its ancient authors, you came to the conclusion that you really no longer believed there is a God; would your morals be changed? Would you stop giving to charity and helping others? Would you choose to live a life of crime?
How would music you hear and stories you read affect your emotions? Would they no longer inspire you, make you laugh or bring you to tears? How would you feel about telling your family and friends….or would you?

My Christian friends, would you yank your child out of a classroom if it be known it was taught by an Atheist? What would you tell your child about that teacher? Suppose again, you found out that the doctor who saved your loved one’s life was a non-believer. Would you still be grateful that he was there when he was needed or would his atheism cloud your gratefulness?

One doesn’t have to be Christian or have a belief in God to better the world or inspire and help others. Many women of the suffrage movement were Atheists or Agnostics (those unsure) and moved beyond all boundaries for women’s rights. They were fearless and I admire them. Susan B. Anthony is quoted as saying…”I have encountered riotous mobs and have been hung in effigy, but my motto is men’s rights are nothing more, women’s rights are nothing less.”

Pat Tillman, the football player, left his professional career to serve in the military after 9/11. He died by “friendly” fire which was covered up. He was well liked and came from a loving family. He was an atheist and a good man who put his life on the line for us. No one could say he had no morals.
Atheists and Agnostics are interwoven in our lives. They are many, but one may never find them out. The discrimination and put downs would be too hard. Relationships will be broken and families torn apart. Many though, past and present, have given to society and we owe a debt of gratitude. The great Atheists/Agnostic scientists, thinkers, explorers and astronomers have all touched our lives either by saving lives or explaining the world in which we live.

Katherine Hepburn, the actress, once said…”I’m an Atheist and that’s it. I believe there’s nothing we can know except we should be kind to each other and help each other.”

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