Reading Layout View

Reading Layout View
One of the new features in Word 2003 is the reading layout view. This view is automatically set to activate whenever you open a word document sent to you as an attachment to an email message. The reading layout view is designed to display the document as you would see it in a book. That is to see, you will see two pages at a time arranged side by side. Do not mistake this view for what you will get when you print the attached document.

Personally, I do not find this view particularly helpful since I read very little on screen. So I turn the feature off as follows:
• Clear the Allow Starting In Reading Layout check box found on the General Tab of the Tool | Option menu command.

If you prefer to keep the reading layout view active, you can chose to close it for certain documents in several ways.

To return to the Print Layout or Normal view:
• Click Close on the Reading Layout toolbar
• Alternatively, you can press ESC or ALT+C to return to your default view
• You can also press Close on the Reading Layout Toolbar
• Selecting View | Normal is another method

You can also toggle between the reading layout view and your normal default view by clicking the Read button found on the Standard Toolbar or use ALT+R to switch to the Reading View and ALT+C to switch to your normal default view.

Let's review the reading layout toolbar.

1. Save your document
2. Print your document
3. Document Map - Opens a separate pane on the left hand side out your screen. The pane displays topical headings found in the document. You use the document map to quickly navigate to other areas of the document.
4. Thumbnails – displays the various pages of the document in a separate pane on the left side of the screen. You use the thumbnail pane to navigate to other pages of the documents.

Note: The thumbnail pane and the document map pane cannot both be opened at the same time.

5. Find – allows you to search for a particular word or phrase.
6. Research – Part of the task pane and allows you to research through use of the dictionary, translation dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia and other web based reference materials.
7. Magnifiers - + increases the view size and – decreases it. These tools do not effect the size of the print font. Only the on screen reading size.
8. Actual Page – displays the page as it would be shown in Print Layout view.
9. Allow Multiple Pages – displays the document as you would see it in a book.
10. Close – Closes the reading layout view only. This does not close your document.

Navigation tools in the reading pane:
• Document Map
• Thumbnails
• Scrollbar and scroll wheel
• PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys on the keyboard
• Press CTRL+HOME or CTRL+END to jump to the beginning or the end of the document.
• Type a screen number, and then press ENTER. This only works when the insertion point is not in the document.

You can edit the document in the Reading Layout view. All editing features are readily available including the following:
• Highlighter pen
• Track Changes
• Insert Comments

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