Music Writer Pens New Novel

Music Writer Pens New Novel
I am proud to present to you my fourth novel - Double Platinum. This book was written to celebrate my love for music. My goal was to show that celebrities are people just like you and I. I've interviewed various singers over the past few years such as Mary J Blige, Lisa Marie Presley, India Arie, Teena Marie and the list goes on and on. Although their backgrounds are different, each one of these women have one thing in common--they did not give up. They pursued their dreams so that we now have countless hours of music to listen to.

I listened to every thing from Sade to Reba McIntyre while writing Double Platinum. The title of each chapter is purposely used to ignite your memory of classic songs.

Here's what Double Platinum is about in a nutshell:

To the world, R&B mega star Parris Mitchell has it all: fame, money, jewelry and several gold and platinum records to go along with it. But now, with her singing career declining, she struggles with depression. Her last few albums were disappointments not only to her record label because of low sales, but to her devoted fans.

Casper Johnson is one of the hottest and most sought after producers in the music industry. All of the media attention has garnered "The Hit Maker" a playboy image. He's getting tired of the same old sound and he's looking for the right voice to help take his career to the next level. Parris agrees to give Casper a chance to revive her career.

When they get together, their working relationship quickly crosses the line and their drama from groupies and people from their past becomes the source of plenty of print for the paparazzi.

Double Platinum is a celebration of music.

What others are saying about Double Platinum:

“Double Platinum moves at break neck speed and is a thoroughly enjoyable read. If you’re looking for a novel that successfully combines glamour, suspense and intrigue with a highly charged love affair then this is the novel for you.” ~ Janice Spence, Freelance Music Journalist (Gossip/News columnist and former contributor and Don Diva UK , etc.)

“An evocative look at the music industry from the inside. Double Platinum is a gripping portrayal of one woman’s quest to climb back to the top of the charts while overcoming personal obstacles”. ~ Vonnie Woods -

Entertainment writer Shelia M. Goss provides an exciting, unique and insightful look in to the music industry through the eyes of heroine Parris Mitchell in her fourth novel Double Platinum (Kensington Books; March 2008; ISBN: 1599830299; $6.99 U.S.).

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