Blood Brothers
This week, I have Nora Roberts's latest, Blood Brothers (Jove). This one kicks off a new trilogy for her, though, unlike her last series that came out in consecutive months and sadly for the readers, the publisher has chosen to release these six months apart. When they turned ten, twenty-one years ago, Cal, Fox and Gage became blood brothers and unleashed an evil that revisits their small hometown every seven years for seven days--things like murder, suicide, torture and other criminal and just plain evil acts. Oh, and their shared birthday is July 7. Now, Quinn Black has come to town to write a book about the weirdness that occurs, and even though it's months until July, with her present, things begin to happen, things that normally don't happen until The Seven, as the men call it now. With Quinn and Cal working closely together on this story, things are bound to get interesting, but to get emotionally invested is very much against Quinn's normal way of working on a story. Still, can she really avoid falling for Cal? Quinn and Cal clearly belong together. Then there's her new friend Layla, and her pal Cybil, who join the group to try to contain or destroy this monster, once and for all. This one isn't as fast-paced as some of her other books, but it is setting the scene for the next two, and by then the readers will have much more invested in this sextet. I enjoyed this one a lot, but in the back of my head, I couldn't help thinking as I read, I have to wait until May for the next book, then next December for the last one. I doubt I'll be the only one thinking that during the reading. The build-up of the romance here is nicely paced, not too rushed for the time frame of this portion of the saga, and it just makes me more anxious to read the next two books in the series, to see just how Fox and Layla and Gage and Cybil work out their respective relationships. This one is, of course, a keeper, and has earned three and a half of Cupid's five arrows.
Until next time, happy reading!
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