Chinese New Year Journal Prompts

Chinese New Year Journal Prompts
Chinese New Year is a festive and interesting celebration. Capitalize on the creative aspect by assigning your homeschooler new and different writing prompts. Choose any or all of the journal ideas below, adapt them to your child's level and your homeschooler will have a blast writing!

1. 2014 is the Year of the Horse. What type of year do you think this will be based on the animal that represents this year? Explain your reasons.

2. Those people born in the Year of the Horse are thought of as caring, steadfast and helpful. How might these characteristics be represented in this new year? Are there any situations now that are in need of people with these key character traits?

3. Fireworks are a popular display of enthusiasm for the new year in China. List ten words that describe fireworks, then create a fireworks picture in your journal.

4. Red is considered a lucky color for the Chinese New Year. Why do you think this is? Can you think of things that are red and lucky? How does the color red make you feel?

5. Dragon parades are a popular activity in China, even if it is not the dragon's year. What makes a dragon a creature of myth? What characteristics does a dragon have?

6. Using scissors is considered unlucky on Chinese New Year. It is said that it may "cut your luck" for the upcoming year. Some folks consider this to be a superstitious idea. What do you think? Do you have any superstitions? What is a superstition? (Use the dictionary!)

7. Chopsticks are used by most people in China when eating. List ten foods that would be easy to pick up with chopsticks. List five foods that you think would make eating with chopsticks difficult. Have you ever eaten with chopsticks? Did you like using them? Why or why not?

8. Displaying a bowl of oranges, as well as giving oranges to family and friends is another popular Chinese custom for the new year. Oranges symbolize luck and joy. What about this fruit makes it special? Do you like oranges? Why do you think an orange was chosen?

9. Families prepare for Chinese New Year by cleaning their homes from top to bottom. Why do you think having a clean home is important when starting a new year?

10. Research China on the computer ( suggested site-Enchanted Learning). Write an informational essay about China. Be sure to include it's geographic location, population, facts about the lifestyle of the people and economic condition.

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