Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night

Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night
Hello, and welcome back! The soup pot is getting a workout here, now that fall has really arrived. Along with plenty of cooking, I'm racing through my stack of November books so I've got just a handful left here to share with you. I have read a couple that I've mentioned over in the forum, rather than doing a full review of them here. And, in case you're new to the site, I also post listings there of books that are either not romances, or are things I know I won't enjoy, but still want to mention for other readers.

This time out, I have Kresley Cole's latest, Wicked Deeds on a Winter's Night (Pocket Star), the third book in her 'Immortals After Dark' series. If you read the previous book in the series, you'll know we got a hint there of what was to come in this one, with the witch Mariketa the Awaited and the Lykae Bowen MacRieve competing in the Hie and the sparks that were already flying between them. Mari still doesn't know what she's been Awaited to do, and she still doesn't have full control of her magical talents, but no one else in the competition realizes she's not immortal yet. She and Bowen have a run-in when they both reach a prize worth valuable points in the race, and the hot kiss they share makes Bowen more determined to win, to get the main prize, a key that would allow him to get back to the woman he loved nearly two hundred years ago. But Mari and Bowen will cross paths again, and before too long. Her angry coven demands that he rescue her from the cave where he left her, a demand he'll comply with simply to have her remove the spell she's put on him. He thinks of her too much, too often. Mari has been thinking of him as well, but nothing kind, while she's trapped in a tombful of incubi desperate for escape. That's going to make their quick trek through a tropical jungle even more interesting than the heat that is still near exploding between them. Bowen can't trust her, but he can't stop wanting her either, and with the full moon approaching, he has to decide whether she's really his mate--and if so, will she ever trust him again? This is an absolutely fantastic addition to the series, fast-paced and sexy, with characters that make you want to read and re-read their story. Ms. Cole has created a world that will suck you in and keep you reading from start to finish, where you'll be sad to have reached the end. This is the best of the series, and I hate the thought of waiting seven months for the next one. This is a definite keeper, and has earned all five of Cupid's five arrows. I love this book!

Until next time, happy reading!

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