Dragon Paths

Ley lines are energy lines that connect sacred places. Although there is a ton of information out there about the research done in England concerning these mysterious "old straight tracks," there isn't a whole lot of information concerning their counterpart in China; dragon paths.
What are dragon paths?
Lung mei or the paths of the Dragon are lines of energy discovered by the ancient Chinese. The Heart of the Dragon is said to be found at a knoll standing in a small valley among the hills. From this center heart, the veins of the Dragon current run over the surrounding valleys and hills. Near the Dragon s heart, the force is strong and active. This is where the Dragon and the Tiger, or the male and female currents merge harmoniously together.
The Yang or male energy of the White Tiger rules sharp rocks, steep mountains and high ridges, while the Yin or female energy of the Blue Dragon rules lower hills and gently rolling countryside. The ancient Chinese believed that these Dragon paths covered the entire Earth. In fact, seasonal rituals were performed to mark the running of the Dragon current through the earth with the corresponding astronomical influences happening in the skies. Mounds were used to predict the timing, while standing stones were erected to mark the path of the Dragon.
When this path of the Dragon runs in straight lines for any distance, the energy that builds up can become a danger to all living things. But, by erecting a barrier such as a stone circle, burial mound or building on such a line, the dangerous energy is diffused into the barrier.
In order to break up these straight lines of energy, the Chinese buildings were built with eaves and roofs of varying heights along a street. Direction men , were given the duty of mapping out the lines of the Dragon path, and decided in what order things should be placed within houses and landscaping to keep the good influences of the energy and dissipate the bad. Today, this practice is referred to as Feng Shui. The influence of these Dragon lines was considered so serious, that any landscape that was found to be inharmonious with the path of the Dragon was respectfully altered. This sometimes meant that mountaintops were flattened or sharpened, or the mountain taken down completely. New mounds were also constructed. Coal Hill, located outside of Peking was a manmade creation on a major path that divides China north and south. Each year the Emperor would climb this hill and perform a ritual to invoke the power of the Dragon for his land.
Several of these lung mei converge in Shensi Province in northern China. A field of over 100 pyramids was discovered here by a western pilot in 1947. The pyramids are believed to have been erected between 10,000 and 5,000 BC.
While standing structures such as pyramids and megaliths around the world are thought to diffuse the Dragon current (into the surrounding area with fertilizing and harmonic energies), the inner chambers discovered in many of these structures are thought to act as accumulators of the Dragon power in order to stimulate physical regeneration (healing), increase psychic ability, and attainment of spiritual enlightenment.
Several of these lung mei lines run under the water from China and then across Japan. Along one of these lines, an underwater city was discovered in 1997 near Okinawa. This city appears to have been carved out of an underwater mountain, complete with roads and a pyramid. It has been dated by researchers at Ryukyu University to have been a thriving city around 10,000 BC.
And then, of course, back to ancient Britain, where the Dragon lines became known as ley lines. These lines become straighter, in fact, absolutely straight, running their way through lakes, over steep mountains, through and past stone circles, standing stones, etc. Many of the cup and ring designs carved on these monuments mirror the constellations in the sky overhead, and also point the way to the next standing stone or circle.
During ancient times, the Dragon power that flowed through the leys was thought to build up in the Spring, and wane in the Fall, which led to the festival or harvest days of the Celts. These rites, representing fertility, were observed at Beltane, or the beginning of Summer, and again at the ending of fall or Samhain, at which a ritual involved killing the Dragon.
This festival continued on throughout the occupation by the Celts and into the Middle Ages. Many British families own coats-of-arms the honor ancestors who killed a dragon. The Goddess Elen of the Ways, who ruled over the sunrise and sunset, was seen as the guardian of the old paths.
When the Romans arrived in Britain, they built their own roads on top of the old straight tracks of the leys that they found there. That is one reason that so many of the old Roman roadways in Britain seem to link together ancient stone monuments. Moreover, they also found these old straight tracks in all of the countries they conquered, and built on top of them. These old pathways are dated from 10,000 to 4,000 BC.
The early Christians arrived in Britain, they built their churches on the old sacred sites, which is a reason why most old churches are also on ley lines. The two early Saints Michael and George took over hill and dale. Both of these Saints were famous Dragon killers. St. Michael kept a lookout over the high ridges, (most of St. Michael s churches are located on hilltops), and St. George took over the lowlands.
There is an old story about St Michael and a Dragon. According to legend the two fought for seven days and found that they were evenly matched, and no victory for either was in sight. Michael received the magic of the Dragon, as he now bore the mark of the Dragon. On St. Michael s feast day, which was originally celebrated on the Fall Equinox, but was later changed to the 29th of Sept., everyone spends the night celebrating. The families travel on horseback to the local St. Michael s church. The Cailleach an Dudain is performed there. This is an ancient dance which is performed by a man and a woman. During the enactment the man kills the woman with the touch of a Druid s wand, and then restores her to life by touching each part of her body with the wand, and breathing life into her mouth.
Dowsers who have experimented with ley lines have found that many double in width at sunrise and sunset, and fluctuate during the phases of the moon and at the change of the seasons. The energy is most intense at noon on the full moon, but quiets down just before the sunset. The energy has been known to reverse direction at times. The E-line is the largest ley line found. This line circles the globe and is 70 to 100 paces in width.
The old straight paths of the serpent in Australia run across the deserts. The aborigines have the job of caring for the rock painting made by their ancestors at the points where the lines cross. Each tribe takes care of their own area, repainting the rocks at the proper time and season. They are called the Song Lines here, as the aborigines sing songs of the creation to release the power of the serpent to make the land fertile.
Ayers rock or Uluru in aborigine, is Australia s largest monolith. It is seen by the aborigines as the center of life in Australia. They say that it marks the spot where two serpents come together.
Persia also sports absolutely straight roads, which run for miles across the land. Ethiopia also has it own straight paths connecting it s standing stones. These stones were also associated with the Dragon in ancient times.
Even the Bible contains stories of the old paths. For instance the Book of Samuel contains the story of the Philistines capture of the Ark of the Covenant. They put it in a cart pulled by oxen and allowed the oxen to pull it away, destination unknown. The oxen took the straight way of Beth-Shemesh, turned not left or right, and ended up at a standing stone.
From ancient Greece, comes the story of the energy of Dragon Python, who was worshipped in Delphi as the creator of the earth. This energy connected all the ancient holy sites, and was ruled over by Castor and Pollux, the twins equated with the constellation of Gemini, and ruled over by Hermes (Mercury), who was the overseer of energy and paths.
Ancient legends abound the tell the story of the killing of the Dragon or the Serpent. These range from the Babylonian Dragon Tiamet, or the first creator, being killed by her children to Apollo who killed the Dragon Python or the father of the earth. There is also the story of St. Patrick driving the serpents out of Ireland. All the old knowledge is still alive, but is hidden and embedded in the old myths, legends, symbolism, rites and traditions.
What are dragon paths?
Lung mei or the paths of the Dragon are lines of energy discovered by the ancient Chinese. The Heart of the Dragon is said to be found at a knoll standing in a small valley among the hills. From this center heart, the veins of the Dragon current run over the surrounding valleys and hills. Near the Dragon s heart, the force is strong and active. This is where the Dragon and the Tiger, or the male and female currents merge harmoniously together.
The Yang or male energy of the White Tiger rules sharp rocks, steep mountains and high ridges, while the Yin or female energy of the Blue Dragon rules lower hills and gently rolling countryside. The ancient Chinese believed that these Dragon paths covered the entire Earth. In fact, seasonal rituals were performed to mark the running of the Dragon current through the earth with the corresponding astronomical influences happening in the skies. Mounds were used to predict the timing, while standing stones were erected to mark the path of the Dragon.
When this path of the Dragon runs in straight lines for any distance, the energy that builds up can become a danger to all living things. But, by erecting a barrier such as a stone circle, burial mound or building on such a line, the dangerous energy is diffused into the barrier.
In order to break up these straight lines of energy, the Chinese buildings were built with eaves and roofs of varying heights along a street. Direction men , were given the duty of mapping out the lines of the Dragon path, and decided in what order things should be placed within houses and landscaping to keep the good influences of the energy and dissipate the bad. Today, this practice is referred to as Feng Shui. The influence of these Dragon lines was considered so serious, that any landscape that was found to be inharmonious with the path of the Dragon was respectfully altered. This sometimes meant that mountaintops were flattened or sharpened, or the mountain taken down completely. New mounds were also constructed. Coal Hill, located outside of Peking was a manmade creation on a major path that divides China north and south. Each year the Emperor would climb this hill and perform a ritual to invoke the power of the Dragon for his land.
Several of these lung mei converge in Shensi Province in northern China. A field of over 100 pyramids was discovered here by a western pilot in 1947. The pyramids are believed to have been erected between 10,000 and 5,000 BC.
While standing structures such as pyramids and megaliths around the world are thought to diffuse the Dragon current (into the surrounding area with fertilizing and harmonic energies), the inner chambers discovered in many of these structures are thought to act as accumulators of the Dragon power in order to stimulate physical regeneration (healing), increase psychic ability, and attainment of spiritual enlightenment.
Several of these lung mei lines run under the water from China and then across Japan. Along one of these lines, an underwater city was discovered in 1997 near Okinawa. This city appears to have been carved out of an underwater mountain, complete with roads and a pyramid. It has been dated by researchers at Ryukyu University to have been a thriving city around 10,000 BC.
And then, of course, back to ancient Britain, where the Dragon lines became known as ley lines. These lines become straighter, in fact, absolutely straight, running their way through lakes, over steep mountains, through and past stone circles, standing stones, etc. Many of the cup and ring designs carved on these monuments mirror the constellations in the sky overhead, and also point the way to the next standing stone or circle.
During ancient times, the Dragon power that flowed through the leys was thought to build up in the Spring, and wane in the Fall, which led to the festival or harvest days of the Celts. These rites, representing fertility, were observed at Beltane, or the beginning of Summer, and again at the ending of fall or Samhain, at which a ritual involved killing the Dragon.
This festival continued on throughout the occupation by the Celts and into the Middle Ages. Many British families own coats-of-arms the honor ancestors who killed a dragon. The Goddess Elen of the Ways, who ruled over the sunrise and sunset, was seen as the guardian of the old paths.
When the Romans arrived in Britain, they built their own roads on top of the old straight tracks of the leys that they found there. That is one reason that so many of the old Roman roadways in Britain seem to link together ancient stone monuments. Moreover, they also found these old straight tracks in all of the countries they conquered, and built on top of them. These old pathways are dated from 10,000 to 4,000 BC.
The early Christians arrived in Britain, they built their churches on the old sacred sites, which is a reason why most old churches are also on ley lines. The two early Saints Michael and George took over hill and dale. Both of these Saints were famous Dragon killers. St. Michael kept a lookout over the high ridges, (most of St. Michael s churches are located on hilltops), and St. George took over the lowlands.
There is an old story about St Michael and a Dragon. According to legend the two fought for seven days and found that they were evenly matched, and no victory for either was in sight. Michael received the magic of the Dragon, as he now bore the mark of the Dragon. On St. Michael s feast day, which was originally celebrated on the Fall Equinox, but was later changed to the 29th of Sept., everyone spends the night celebrating. The families travel on horseback to the local St. Michael s church. The Cailleach an Dudain is performed there. This is an ancient dance which is performed by a man and a woman. During the enactment the man kills the woman with the touch of a Druid s wand, and then restores her to life by touching each part of her body with the wand, and breathing life into her mouth.
Dowsers who have experimented with ley lines have found that many double in width at sunrise and sunset, and fluctuate during the phases of the moon and at the change of the seasons. The energy is most intense at noon on the full moon, but quiets down just before the sunset. The energy has been known to reverse direction at times. The E-line is the largest ley line found. This line circles the globe and is 70 to 100 paces in width.
The old straight paths of the serpent in Australia run across the deserts. The aborigines have the job of caring for the rock painting made by their ancestors at the points where the lines cross. Each tribe takes care of their own area, repainting the rocks at the proper time and season. They are called the Song Lines here, as the aborigines sing songs of the creation to release the power of the serpent to make the land fertile.
Ayers rock or Uluru in aborigine, is Australia s largest monolith. It is seen by the aborigines as the center of life in Australia. They say that it marks the spot where two serpents come together.
Persia also sports absolutely straight roads, which run for miles across the land. Ethiopia also has it own straight paths connecting it s standing stones. These stones were also associated with the Dragon in ancient times.
Even the Bible contains stories of the old paths. For instance the Book of Samuel contains the story of the Philistines capture of the Ark of the Covenant. They put it in a cart pulled by oxen and allowed the oxen to pull it away, destination unknown. The oxen took the straight way of Beth-Shemesh, turned not left or right, and ended up at a standing stone.
From ancient Greece, comes the story of the energy of Dragon Python, who was worshipped in Delphi as the creator of the earth. This energy connected all the ancient holy sites, and was ruled over by Castor and Pollux, the twins equated with the constellation of Gemini, and ruled over by Hermes (Mercury), who was the overseer of energy and paths.
Ancient legends abound the tell the story of the killing of the Dragon or the Serpent. These range from the Babylonian Dragon Tiamet, or the first creator, being killed by her children to Apollo who killed the Dragon Python or the father of the earth. There is also the story of St. Patrick driving the serpents out of Ireland. All the old knowledge is still alive, but is hidden and embedded in the old myths, legends, symbolism, rites and traditions.

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