Criticism of Noni Juice

Criticism of Noni Juice
Have you heard any criticism of Noni Juice or have you just heard all the hype? Are you a victim of this scam? Do you want to know all of the criticism of Noni Juice - the total truth about the Noni con? If so, you might want to start with, What Is Noni Juice - Hot or Not? This is an excellent article.

Snake oil salesmen learned a long time ago that the more bizzare and shrouded in mystery they can make their marketing, the more effective their deception.

The exaggeration behind Noni is clear when you hold it up to the light, "Look, we can add a ton of sugar to this awful tasting Tahitian fruit juice, make up a fantastic story, add some fake science and sell gallons of it to suckers. And before they get wise to our hoax, we can make a killing." For more insight into this kind of promotion, check out Is It Hot or Is It Not?

The idea that one food can be the universal remedy for all our ills is absurd. Nature never puts every nutrient we need in just one place - no matter how exotic it may be. We need nutrition from a diversity of available sources to be healthy. Pure water and whole foods are what we have been designed to eat.

What's more, when accessing the company website ( from their home page, you get this disclaimer - "The contents of this site may not be disseminated or used for any advertising and/or marketing purposes." But, surprise! That's exactly how distributors use the information - for marketing purposes. And, when a distributor emails the link to a prospective customer - surprise again! - the company disclaimer never appears in the message. Interesting, don't you think?

Don't let yourself be duped by hype marketing. This criticism of Noni Juice should persuade you that Noni cannot give you what you need. Good health comes from eating whole foods and taking whole food supplements from the human food chain. For more guidelines to fraudulent health claims, check out Valid Research vs. Hype Marketing

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Note: The information contained on this website is not intended to be prescriptive. Any attempt to diagnose or treat an illness should come under the direction of a physician who is familiar with nutritional therapy.

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