
This is a ritual to introduce, formally name and welcome your new baby into the Wiccan community. This ceremony does not bind your child to the Wiccan religion, it is seeking blessings upon the child and celebrating his or her birth. Wiccans are adamantly for freedom of choice and although the child will be raised in the old ways, he or she will also learn about other religions and will choose the right path when the time comes.

A simple idea for a wiccaning ritual is laid out here. Feel free to alter it to suit your needs and so that it feels natural.

Invite all those who care for the child to attend and if they feel moved to do so, bring something symbolic of their wish for the child's future. These things will be kept for when he or she grows old enough to have them.

The altar can be set up however you like. For instance, my altar is covered by a cloth that I worked on during my pregnancy with symbols of protection, health, love etc. embroidered on it. I also try to embroider at least one herbal design as I draw much of my own power from herbs and plants. I include a white candle and inscribe my son's name in Futhark(Rune alphabet). Real flowers are placed o the altar if it is the right time of year and homemade flowers made by the rest of the children if it is not. I burn a small bundle of appropriate herbs in my conch shell. Salted water in a glass vessel of some sort. I use a teeny vial that was given to me years ago. I have pictures of my children's grandparents that have passed , a letter that I write to each child before they are born and my own private gift to him that I have made during my baby moon(the first days after the child is born).

Once the Altar is set up as you wish, call the quarters, cast the circle and invite the deities that are closest to your desires for this ceremony. I enjoy this part as I love to learn more about gods and goddesses who apply to my sense of spirituality. I have done three other wiccanings for my other children and each time chose deities that moved me at the time.
As the parent holds the infant, walk clockwise around the circle and bless him in each direction.
We then all sit and sing our own family baby song that is the same for each child except their name is changed. This is an example of how you can change a ritual to fit your needs. Our singing raises the energy level until the cone of energy is released into the air above the child.

Finally cake and juice or cider is passed to ground us all, the circle is broken and a special thank you to all deities called. We then celebrate the wonderful addition to the family! All that brought a special something can present it to the baby at this time. Special poems and wishes for the baby's future are most welcome.

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This content was written by Amelia Tucker. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Ro Longstreet for details.