Computer Radiation
Long-term exposure to radiation increases the risk of all forms of cancer, tumors, blood disorders, miscarriage, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, aging of the skin, skin burn, etc. Radiation exposure over time can cause skin burn, dry wrinkled skin and photo aging. This skin damage is identical to sun damage and causes the same health problems. Many electronic products that we use on a daily basis expose us to harmful radiation.
A television, microwave oven, cellular phone and computer are examples of products that emit radiation. To preserve your health use electronic products carefully, in ways that shield your body from radiation. Computer radiation is most harmful to skin health because we sit directly in front of the computer for long periods of time with our face absorbing the radiation. Lessening this type of harmful radiation is important.
Computer radiation can make you feel sick and burn your skin. Most people are not aware of this, and continue to suffer with ill health they have no explanation for. They do not realize sometimes ill health is related to computer use. Using a laptop or LCD does not exclude you from the negative health affects of computer radiation. All computer monitors emit low levels of radiation. Laptops and LCD monitors emit less radiation than the old-fashioned CRT monitors. However, all monitors emit enough radiation to affect your health and appearance.
A healthy solution is to use a computer accessory called a radiation filter. This product can eliminate 94-99% of the harmful radiation emitted from your computer screen. A glare guard or privacy filter can also act as a filter and provide radiation protection. Radiation filters are available for all types of computer monitors, and they work well to protect you from radiation. It is also helpful to move the processor tower as far away from your body as possible. This will reduce radiation that could reach and affect your body.
If you would like to research this subject more, simply search online, or you can also refer to the studies and links I have listed at the end of this article. There is a lot of information listed on the internet that explains the health effects of radiation. By law, there are basic health and safety requirements that manufacturers must meet for electronic products. Many manufacturers today are improving products to emit less radiation, and great technological improvements have been made in the last five years alone. Be health smart and research any electronic product before you buy to make sure it emits low radiation.
Most industry standard computer monitors do comply with low radiation guidelines. However, low radiation does not mean zero radiation. Computer radiation levels are still allowed to be high enough to cause health problems. It is very important to use products that emit low radiation, and shield radiation emissions. Following this simple advice can help to preserve your health and well being.
The Effects of Computer Use on Eye Health and Vision
The Negative Effects of Electromagnetic Fields
Harmful Electrostress from Computers/Laptops
Radiation Effects of Computers
The New England Journal of Medicine-Computed Tomography An Increasing Source of Radiation Exposure
The radiation poisoning of America
Washington State Department of Health
Your Risk from Radiation Exposure: A Guide to Risk Estimates and Statistics
A television, microwave oven, cellular phone and computer are examples of products that emit radiation. To preserve your health use electronic products carefully, in ways that shield your body from radiation. Computer radiation is most harmful to skin health because we sit directly in front of the computer for long periods of time with our face absorbing the radiation. Lessening this type of harmful radiation is important.
Computer radiation can make you feel sick and burn your skin. Most people are not aware of this, and continue to suffer with ill health they have no explanation for. They do not realize sometimes ill health is related to computer use. Using a laptop or LCD does not exclude you from the negative health affects of computer radiation. All computer monitors emit low levels of radiation. Laptops and LCD monitors emit less radiation than the old-fashioned CRT monitors. However, all monitors emit enough radiation to affect your health and appearance.
A healthy solution is to use a computer accessory called a radiation filter. This product can eliminate 94-99% of the harmful radiation emitted from your computer screen. A glare guard or privacy filter can also act as a filter and provide radiation protection. Radiation filters are available for all types of computer monitors, and they work well to protect you from radiation. It is also helpful to move the processor tower as far away from your body as possible. This will reduce radiation that could reach and affect your body.
If you would like to research this subject more, simply search online, or you can also refer to the studies and links I have listed at the end of this article. There is a lot of information listed on the internet that explains the health effects of radiation. By law, there are basic health and safety requirements that manufacturers must meet for electronic products. Many manufacturers today are improving products to emit less radiation, and great technological improvements have been made in the last five years alone. Be health smart and research any electronic product before you buy to make sure it emits low radiation.
Most industry standard computer monitors do comply with low radiation guidelines. However, low radiation does not mean zero radiation. Computer radiation levels are still allowed to be high enough to cause health problems. It is very important to use products that emit low radiation, and shield radiation emissions. Following this simple advice can help to preserve your health and well being.
The Effects of Computer Use on Eye Health and Vision
The Negative Effects of Electromagnetic Fields
Harmful Electrostress from Computers/Laptops
Radiation Effects of Computers
The New England Journal of Medicine-Computed Tomography An Increasing Source of Radiation Exposure
The radiation poisoning of America
Washington State Department of Health
Your Risk from Radiation Exposure: A Guide to Risk Estimates and Statistics
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This content was written by danielle anna. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Danielle Barone for details.