A Prayer Journaling

A Prayer Journaling
Prayer journals are specific types of journals. Most prayer journals are for believing Christians who have put their faith in Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Messiah. A prayer journal is the strongest tool a believer can cultivate because one can read and be encouraged by God's faithfulness.

Even though prayer journals sound simple, they are rather challenging. Challenging because when prayers are written focus becomes fine tuned and specific. Many times as you begin to write one thing you find you are actually writing something else. This good but for those who believe that prayer needs to be a specific way and find the thoughts and words that come a little frustration. I encourage you to relax and just talk to God. He will guide your prayers and you will be blessed.

One way to organize a prayer journal is to write down prayer requests. I actually do not recommend this method as they become lists to be checked off. Instead, incorporate the requests in a prayer and then allow God to remind you to prayer on following days. As you pray instead of listing prayer requests you will find that requests are being answered is so many different ways. Each time you are tempted to jot down requests, troubles or concerns trust God and just write it out as a prayer. For those you promised to pray for pray instead of listing and He will hear you more clearly.

When prayers are answered do not write down the answer, write down a thank you to God for the answer. Get in a habit of prayer, not lists! You might consider using a highlighter to signal an answered prayer. This will make it easy to spot and God's faithfulnees can be praised while encouraging your heart.

Many try to keep separate journals for different types of prayers. For example, One for personal requests and two for intercession for others. This method becomes difficult to keep up with and you never want prayer to become a burden. I use one journal for my daily prayers. What I have found is that some days there is an order to the prayer while others are just about God's greatness.

Blessings will be yours when you spend time with God. Psalms tells us the He will add hours to our days when we honor Him. Spending time writing your prayers honors God as He longs to talk with you. Keeping a prayer journal has allowed me to establish a two-way communication with my Savior that is precious. Some days I write for pages, while other days I just write a few paragraphs. The length, style nor process matters. It is about spending time with your Father.

Stop this moment and start right now with your prayer journal.

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Content copyright © 2023 by Kathy Garcia. All rights reserved.
This content was written by Kathy Garcia. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Kathy Garcia for details.