Fighting the Flu

Fighting the Flu
No one wants to get the flu, but if you do, proper care can help you be back to your normal self as quickly as possible. Below are several ways for you to help speed recovery time and diminish the symptoms of the flu. You should always contact your healthcare provider with any questions you have about your health and follow any directions provided.

Antiviral Drugs

If you think you have the flu, see your healthcare provider as soon as possible. There are two antiviral drugs that can help to treat the flu and speed recovery. These two drugs are oseltamivir (approved for individuals over one year of age) and zanamivir (approved for individuals over the age of seven). Both of these medications must be prescribed by a healthcare professional. The catch? They have to be started within forty-eight hours of getting sick, or they do not work effectively.

Non-Drug Treatment

The best thing you can do to treat the flu is to stay home and rest. Your body cannot recover if you are busy running around and working. Your coworkers and classmate will thank you as well, since the flu is very contagious. While home, remember to drink plenty of liquids and get lots of rest.

Over-the-Counter Medications

There are a number of over-the-counter medications that can be used to help treat the flu. Look for medications that treat only the symptoms you have; do not take unnecessary medicine meant to treat a cough if you do not have one. Simple pain relievers can help relieve headaches, body aches, and fevers. Always read and follow the dosing instructions listed on the packaging, especially when administering medicine to children.

Seek Help

For most people, the flu will last about a week without any complications. However, there are certain demographics that are prone to complications from the virus. Young children, pregnant women, individuals over the age of sixty-five, and individuals with chronic medical conditions should take extra precautions. It is always a good idea to contact your healthcare provider if you are concerned about your health or have any questions.

Anyone suffering from problems breathing, dizziness, extremely high fever, confusion, or persistent vomiting should seek medical attention immediately.

Thermometers can help you to track your fever.

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