Webkinz Writing Prompts
Start a Webkinz themed journal with your child! Challenge your homeschooler to complete a prompt once, or several times a week. This is a great unit extension for any writing skills that you are currently teaching. Adjust your expectations accordingly, based on your child's abilities.
1. Research your Webkinz biography. Write another paragraph or two based on what you have learned about your pet.
2. Create five new recipes for Chef Gazpacho to try. Draw a picture for each.
3. Create a word web to describe your cuddly pal. Think of at least ten adjectives you could use to describe your Webkinz.
4. If your Webkinz could have a special ability what would you want it to be? Why?
5. What are your top three favorite games to play on the Webkinz website? State your reasons for choosing the ones you favor.
6. If you had $1000 to spend at the "W Shop" what would you buy for your pet? list your reasons why you would choose to purchase those items.
7. Does your Webkinz "look" like his or her name? Do you think people should "look" like their name? What made you choose the name you did for your Webkinz?
8. You are going to take your Webkinz to Kinzville Park. What activities will you do there? What are your favorite things to do when you go to the park?
9. Kinzville Academy has offered new classes for your pet to take. What classes do you hope they will offer? Why?
10. Pizza Palace needs extra help! You are asked to create ten new pizza styles, each with their own unique topping set. What will you create? Draw a picture of your favorite creation. Make it at home if your parent says it's ok.
11. You have just finished mining in Arte's caves. What gem do you hope you found? Are you trying to get the "Crown of Wonder"? Why or why not?
12. Quizzy' Corner needs more Math questions for children your age. Write five or more problems that can be the next set of questions on Quizzy's Corner. Don't forget to write the answers.
13. Zingoz are funny little creatures! What type of creature do you think they are? Why do you think they are so silly? Do you think they would get along well with your Webkinz pet?
14. List the things that you must do every time you log on to take care of your pet. How does this compare to a real pet's care? Is it the same or different? Why?
15. Play a game of Quizzy's Word Search. Write down each word as you find it. When you are done write a sentence for each of the words you found. Don't forget to be descriptive.
16. Play a game of Eager Beaver's Adventure Park. Write down the words in your journal as you make them. When you are done categorize them into three columns-nouns, verbs and adjectives.
17. If you could choose any theme to represent your pet's room, what would it be? Why? (It does not have to be available in the W Shop)
18. The 2010 Olympics will be here soon! If your Webkinz could participate, what sport would he or she do? Why? Would you choose the same sport for yourself?
19. What if you could spend the day in Webkinz World? What would you want to do when visiting there? Why?
20. Write an Acrostic poem using your Webkinz name. Draw and color a picture to go with it. Remember, your poem should be words that describe your pet.
Hopefully these twenty prompts will provide some creative spark to your child's journal!
1. Research your Webkinz biography. Write another paragraph or two based on what you have learned about your pet.
2. Create five new recipes for Chef Gazpacho to try. Draw a picture for each.
3. Create a word web to describe your cuddly pal. Think of at least ten adjectives you could use to describe your Webkinz.
4. If your Webkinz could have a special ability what would you want it to be? Why?
5. What are your top three favorite games to play on the Webkinz website? State your reasons for choosing the ones you favor.
6. If you had $1000 to spend at the "W Shop" what would you buy for your pet? list your reasons why you would choose to purchase those items.
7. Does your Webkinz "look" like his or her name? Do you think people should "look" like their name? What made you choose the name you did for your Webkinz?
8. You are going to take your Webkinz to Kinzville Park. What activities will you do there? What are your favorite things to do when you go to the park?
9. Kinzville Academy has offered new classes for your pet to take. What classes do you hope they will offer? Why?
10. Pizza Palace needs extra help! You are asked to create ten new pizza styles, each with their own unique topping set. What will you create? Draw a picture of your favorite creation. Make it at home if your parent says it's ok.
11. You have just finished mining in Arte's caves. What gem do you hope you found? Are you trying to get the "Crown of Wonder"? Why or why not?
12. Quizzy' Corner needs more Math questions for children your age. Write five or more problems that can be the next set of questions on Quizzy's Corner. Don't forget to write the answers.
13. Zingoz are funny little creatures! What type of creature do you think they are? Why do you think they are so silly? Do you think they would get along well with your Webkinz pet?
14. List the things that you must do every time you log on to take care of your pet. How does this compare to a real pet's care? Is it the same or different? Why?
15. Play a game of Quizzy's Word Search. Write down each word as you find it. When you are done write a sentence for each of the words you found. Don't forget to be descriptive.
16. Play a game of Eager Beaver's Adventure Park. Write down the words in your journal as you make them. When you are done categorize them into three columns-nouns, verbs and adjectives.
17. If you could choose any theme to represent your pet's room, what would it be? Why? (It does not have to be available in the W Shop)
18. The 2010 Olympics will be here soon! If your Webkinz could participate, what sport would he or she do? Why? Would you choose the same sport for yourself?
19. What if you could spend the day in Webkinz World? What would you want to do when visiting there? Why?
20. Write an Acrostic poem using your Webkinz name. Draw and color a picture to go with it. Remember, your poem should be words that describe your pet.
Hopefully these twenty prompts will provide some creative spark to your child's journal!
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This content was written by Alissa Moy. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Denise Oliveri for details.