The Gifted
The Gifted is a fantasy/action television show set in Atlanta, Georgia that premiered on FOX in October of 2017. The show takes place in one of Marvel's fictional universes. The Gifted follows a normal suburban family where Reed Strucker, the dad (played by Stephen Moyer of Trueblood), is a district attorney who prosecutes mutants who use their powers. Mutants are captured and sent to a special mutant camp. One day, Reed learns that his son and daughter have mutant powers.
At the school dance, the son is being bullied. He gets so upset that he sets off tremors that are so large that the school catches fire. In an attempt to find the son, the daughter uses her mutant powers to manipulate the air and shield herself from falling debris. They manage to escape together and return home. For using their powers, they become wanted by the government. Forced to go on the run, the family is taken in by a group of mutants who are hiding from the government. Although in hiding, the mutants often risk their safety, and exposure, to rescue fellow mutants and smuggle them to safety in Mexico (where mutants are treated better).
The show has generally received favorable reviews. As it is set in a timeline where the X-Men have disappeared (due to overwhelming mutant hatred), it has a X-Men feel to it without the superhero deeds. However, Magneto's daughter, Polaris, is one of the main characters of the show.
Some mutant powers you will see include the ability to add or subtract memories, the ability to turn invisible, the ability to teleport, the ability to absorb and manipulate photons, and the ability to prevent other mutants from using their powers. The show does a good job of balancing the characters' intimate relationships with tons of action scenes. There is just enough of both.
The Gifted's first season is composed of thirteen episodes and airs on Monday nights. Past episodes can be found on your local cable provider's Fox OnDemand or Amazon Video on Demand.
At the school dance, the son is being bullied. He gets so upset that he sets off tremors that are so large that the school catches fire. In an attempt to find the son, the daughter uses her mutant powers to manipulate the air and shield herself from falling debris. They manage to escape together and return home. For using their powers, they become wanted by the government. Forced to go on the run, the family is taken in by a group of mutants who are hiding from the government. Although in hiding, the mutants often risk their safety, and exposure, to rescue fellow mutants and smuggle them to safety in Mexico (where mutants are treated better).
The show has generally received favorable reviews. As it is set in a timeline where the X-Men have disappeared (due to overwhelming mutant hatred), it has a X-Men feel to it without the superhero deeds. However, Magneto's daughter, Polaris, is one of the main characters of the show.
Some mutant powers you will see include the ability to add or subtract memories, the ability to turn invisible, the ability to teleport, the ability to absorb and manipulate photons, and the ability to prevent other mutants from using their powers. The show does a good job of balancing the characters' intimate relationships with tons of action scenes. There is just enough of both.
The Gifted's first season is composed of thirteen episodes and airs on Monday nights. Past episodes can be found on your local cable provider's Fox OnDemand or Amazon Video on Demand.
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This content was written by Maria Mason. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Maria Mason for details.