Jimmie Reign - The First Lady of the Bay

Jimmie Reign - The First Lady of the Bay

Shelia Goss: Please introduce yourself.
Jimmie Reign: I am the 1st Lady Of The Bay...Ms. Jimmie Reign

Shelia: How long have you been singing?
Jimmie: I know singers always say they've "been singing before they could even speak", and I hate to sound cliche, but I have. My daddy used to have recordings of me as a baby humming and screaming until I was hoarse. I've been singing professionally since I was 14.

Shelia: If you had to compare yourself with another singer who would you say your style is similar to?
Jimmie: It's funny because in order to find anyone like me, I'd have to pick at least three singers...I'd say Beyonce (she's a total package), Alicia Keys (her writing skills), and Aaliyah( her melodies and personality) all rolled up together...that's Jimmie!

Shelia: When someone picks up your CD what should they expect to hear?
Pure emotion. My songs say what people always feel like saying but aren't able to put it into words. I don't go for the obvious. I dig deeper to try and make sure my songs can be felt by all ages and genders.

Shelia: Are any of the songs reflective of your real life experiences?
All of them. I know it may seem unbelievable because I'm so young, but every song I do is special to me because either I or someone close to me has gone through a similar situation.

Shelia: Who are some of your favorite singers?
El Debarge, Lauryn Hill, Faith, Stevie Wonder (of course), Tamia, Beyonce

Shelia: What's been one of the hardest obstacles you've faced thus far?
Learning how to stay out of all the drama that comes along with being a part of, and being a female in this industry. I've really had to learn how to keep my personal life seperate from my life as an artist.

Shelia: What would your best friend say about you?
That I make really corny jokes and that I'm a little weird. That I'm in love with someone new everytime she sees me, that I give great advice (even when it isn't asked for), I'm compassionate and strong, and I make great macaroni and cheese from the box...lol...

Shelia: Is there anything else you would like to say to your fans?
If you see me out somewhere- say hello! I AM totally approachable, even if it looks like I'm not having the best day. There's nothing better than someone you don't know coming up to you and saying that they know who you are, and they love your music. :)

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