Cancer Causing Foods to Avoid

Cancer Causing Foods to Avoid
Cancer causing foods are a threat to human health. It's best to eliminate them from the diet as much as possible. Since there’s sufficient evidence that certain foods increase the risk of cancer and others are a probable risk, why take a chance?

Processed meats, for example, have been confirmed to increase the risk of bowel cancer. They’ve also been linked to colon, rectum and prostate cancer. Nitrates, which are added to lunch meats, hams, bacon and hot dogs to extend shelf life can shorten your life, since they convert in the stomach to carcinogenic nitrosamines. A high intake of processed meats has been shown to increase the risk of stomach cancer - the fourth most common cancer, accounting for nearly one tenth of total deaths by cancer. Therefore, it’s wise to eliminate or reduce the consumption of nitrate containing foods.

Eating red meat should also be reduced or eliminated, since it apparently causes the body to increase its own production of nitrosamines. Other research suggests high temperature meat cooking – frying, broiling or grilling – might also increase risk of digestive tract cancers. So, if you’re going to eat red meat, keep it to a bare minimum and use slower cooking methods as much as possible.

A diet high in fat, particularly saturated fat found in meat, has been linked to breast cancer. A high fat diet can also contribute to obesity, which is a definite cancer risk. Being overweight increases the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women, as well as cancer of colon, gallbladder, esophagus, pancreas and kidney for both sexes.

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, Alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancer of the breast, larynx, esophagus, mouth, pharynx and liver. And drinking combined with smoking greatly increases the risk of upper respiratory tract cancer. The best thing to do is choose not to drink alcohol or drink in moderation - no more than 2 drinks a day for men and 1 for women.

Cola drinks are now also under suspicion. A recent government analysis showed that some soft drinks had high levels of benzene – a chemical linked to leukemia. Apparently, added vitamin C or ascorbic acid in drinks mixed with the preservatives sodium benzoate or potassium benzoate can form carcinogenic benzene. Even Coca Cola was sued recently as part of an effort to eliminate ingredients that may create benzene.

Next to heart disease, cancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S., taking the lives of over a half million people a year. But there is much you can do to reduce your risk of this deadly disease.

First, if you smoke, stop. Smoking is responsible for over 30% of all cancer deaths. Then manage your diet by eating less red and processed meats, less fats (particularly the saturated fat found in red meat), maintain a healthy weight (this will also help reduce the risk of heart disease) and only drink alcohol and colas ( a major cause of obesity) in moderation, if at all.

Following these simple guidelines can greatly reduce your risk of both cancer and heart disease – two leading causes of premature aging and death around the world.

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