Crochet Conversion Charts

Crochet Conversion Charts
If you’ve ever had the experience of seeing a pattern, as the perfect gift for someone or some event, only to realize that the hooks and stitches aren’t what you learned in your country; I can say that I understand what you’ve gone through, because I’ve been there myself. So, I’ve decided to help you out by giving you some charts that you can make a copy of, copy/save to your documents or whatever you want to do so it’ll be convenient, for you to find, when you need it. I only wish that I’d had somebody to hand charts like these, to me, when I was learning to make fitted clothing or anything of a ’fitted’ size.

But, keep in mind that, because we all crochet with a different tension, it’s still important to make a gauge swatch so that you can be sure the hook you’re using will help you produce items that fit.

Hook Conversion Chart

Metric: Canada/UK: USA:

2. 14 -
2.25 13 B
2.5 12 -
2.75 - C
3. 11 D
3.5 9 E
3.75 - F
4. 8 G
4.5 7 -
5. 6 H
5.5 5 I
6. 4 J
6.5 3 K
7. 2 -
8. 0 L
9. 00 M
10. 000 N
16.0 - P
16.0 - Q
19 - S

NOTE: Here are some of my suggestions for the lines that do not suggest a size for Americans and are only marked as “ - ”.

A. 2.0mm: Since there is no size A crochet hook, American crocheter will go to the next lowest hook: a size 00 steel hook (used for thread crocheting).

B. 2.5mm: This size is split for American crocheter, thus one can use either the smaller or larger size crochet hook. I’d recommend that if you are a tight crocheter (like myself), you might use the bigger hook. But, if you are a loose crocheter, you might prefer the smaller hook.

C. Canadian/UK crocheter: where you see a “ - ”, please use the suggestions given under B.

Steel Hook Chart (thread hooks)

Metric USA Canada/UK

.6 mm 14 6
.75 mm 13 -
.70 mm 12 5
.8 mm 11 -
1 mm 10 4
1.15 mm 9 -
1.25 mm 8 3
1.50 mm 7 2.5
1.6 mm 6 -
1.7 mm 5 -
1.75 mm 4 2
1.85 mm 3 -
1.95 mm 2 -
2 mm 1 1
2.25 mm 0 00
3 mm 00 -

Please see the “B” notes above for any line where the “ - ” appears.

Crochet Stitch Conversion Chart

United States (US) United
Kingdom (UK)
chain = ch chain = ch
single crochet = sc double crochet = dc
half double crochet = hdc half treble crochet = htr
double crochet = dc treble = tr
triple (or treble) crochet = tr or trc double treble = dtr
double treble (or double triple) = dtr or dbltr/c triple treble = ttr
triple treble = ttr quadruple treble = qtr

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This content was written by Beverly Elrod. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Holly Messenger Aamot for details.