Does Bodybuilding Lead to Hair Loss ?
You are a bodybuilder. After disciplined weight lifting you are finally seeing results from your hard work. But now, you are starting to lose your hair.
One possible reason:
I visited a Body Building site to see if I could get an understanding of the sport and some possible answers.
I learned that the process of bodybuilding increases testosterone levels in the body. Higher levels of testosterone are necessary to build muscle mass, so that is something that bodybuilding enthusiasts strive for.
Why is this a problem?
Hair follicles naturally produce an enzyme called 5-Alpha Reductase. This enzyme reacts with testosterone and creates dihydrotestosterone, called DHT for short. DHT is toxic to hair follicles. DHT is what causes male pattern baldness in men and also, to a lesser extent, in women. In men, it may begin with a receding hairline, horseshoe pattern hair loss, balding in the crown or general overall thinning. Women generally notice receding at the hairline or general thinning.
The level of testosterone in a bodybuilder’s system is at its highest level immediately and up to 60 minutes after weight lifting.
What do you do if you want to continue working out and still keep a thick head of healthy hair? You don’t have to remember the technical terms, just use the correct products to treat the problem.
- Shampoo immediately after your work-out with a product that removes DHT. DHT cannot be removed by simple shampooing. It takes special cleansers.
- Shampoo every day with that product for continued protection.
My suggestion:
I have experienced the best results using Nioxin. This is a 3 step system. It not only removes DHT, it creates an environment for healthy hair growth.
- Cleanser – This is your shampoo. It cleanses your scalp and hair of DHT, environmental pollutants and product build-up. One gentle, one-minute shampoo and rinse is all that is needed.
- Scalp Therapy – This is your conditioner. It moisturizes and invigorates your scalp. Gently massage this into your scalp for 3 minutes. Rinse well and towel dry.
- Treatment – This supplies nutrients to your hair follicles for better growth. Apply this to your scalp and leave it on.
Pack Nioxin in your gym bag. Shampoo after every work out – and every day. Enjoy the results of your work out while keeping a healthy head of hair.
Nioxin 3 Piece Starter Kit
at Amazon
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