Poems From Grandmas

Poems From Grandmas


If I were granted any wish,
I'll tell you what I'd do,...
I'd wish my kids were small again,
for just a month or two.

To hear their squeals of laughter,
to watch them while they play.
And when they ask me to join in,
I'd NOT say "Not today."

To hug again their chubby frame,
to kiss away their tears,
and cherish childhood innocences
that's washed away the years.

Then when it's story time again,
I'd stay a little longer,
to answer questions, sing the songs,
so memories would be stronger.

But time is callous, wishes, myth,
yet God in all his wisdom,
has given me another chance
before I join his kingdom.

The face may not be just the same,
the name is changed, 'tis true,
but yet the smile that radiates,
reminds me so of you.

God must have known that Grandma
would need a chance or two.
For many little happy things
she hadn't time to do.
So God gave love to Grandmas
to equal that before,
that, in effect embraces
those little lives she bore.

~~ Author Unknown

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As I hold you in my arms for the first time I look down at your innocent face and tell you

"I am your Grandma"

and I tell you what good friends we'll become I promise you that my heart will always be a safe

haven where my love for you will know no obstacles

I will always have faith in you and believe in you My home will always be your home

You are my second chance, sweet innocent baby

My second chance to bake cookies, and watch the sparkling anticipation in your eyes

My second chance to sit and rock a baby to sleep in my arms, experiencing the tiny heart beating next to mine as you rest upon my chest

My second chance to experience the wonder of a child discovering he can walk and blow dandelions into the sky

A second chance to view the world through the innocence of a child's heart

And this time, there will be no rushing to keep schedules and clean the house

You have the advantage of my years and having gained the wisdom of knowing what's really important in life

You have the advantage that I know my place in the world and that a few cobwebs don't really matter

As the poem goes, you have the advantage that I now know that babies don't keep

I promise to be a child with you when you need me to be

and a source of strength when that's what you need from me

I promise that you will hear more yeses from me and fewer no's, but I will always

honor and respect the place of your mother and father, into whose care

God has placed you. I will never try to outshine them or diminish their role in your life

For as much as I love you, they love you more

We'll grow old together ...

I'll just get there a little sooner

And someday, when I'm gone, you'll look back upon all the times we shared and you'll smile

The word "Grandmother"

will always hold a special place in your heart just as you have always held one in mine

~~ Author Unknown ~~

Colorful Grandmother Frame (from single child)

Personalized Grandma Wooden Frame

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Content copyright © 2023 by Danielle Hollister. All rights reserved.
This content was written by Danielle Hollister. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Nicole Cardillo for details.