Pagan Divination

Pagan Divination

Divination is the art of prophecy. It can be used to see the past, interpret the present and predict the future. A person does not need to be a psychic to practice divination. Many tools may be used in the practice if divination. These tools may include but are not limited to crystal balls, mirrors, tarot cards, runes, and pendulums.

The art if divination is not exclusive to Pagans. Divination in itself is not a religious practice. It can be used as part of religious ceremonies or rituals. Divination has been practiced for centuries. It is not an exact science so it is not one hundred percent effective at all times.

A magic eight ball could be considered a modern divination tool. A person asks the magic eight ball a question and receives an answer. That is the basic premise of divination. The diviner asks a question and receives an answer.

Crystal balls have been associated with fortune telling in books and movies. A crystal ball is a tool used in divination. It is called scrying when you are looking into an object like a crystal ball to perform divination. A bowl of water, a mirror and even a candle flame can also be used for scrying.

Tarot cards are commonly used tools for divination. A question is asked, the cards are laid out in a certain pattern, and the cards are interpreted. There are generalized meanings for each card that can be memorized or looked up in a book. An easy way to interpret a card is to look at the picture on the card. What does the image tell you? How does the image relate to the question?

Runes are similar to tarot cards. Runes are ancient symbols that are carved into stones. The symbol on each stone has a different meaning. The meanings may be memorized or sought from a book or website. There are different patterns that the runes can be laid out as well. The rune should also be interpreted in relation to the question.

The pendulum is a simple divination tool. It can be an object chosen by the diviner that is suspended from a string. The pendulum is used to answer yes or no questions. The string is held in the diviner’s unmoving hand. A question is asked and then the pendulum should begin to move. If it moves in a circle the answer is yes or if it moves side to side the answer is no. The pendulum may also swing in a clockwise circle to signify yes or counter clockwise to indicate a no answer. You can test the pendulum by asking it questions that you already know the answer.

It does not matter which tools you choose to use for divination. The thing that you need to remember is that divination predicts that future as of right that moment. If you do not like the answer you receive, you may be able to change your future. Your future is not entirely set in stone and every choice that you make could create a new future.

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