Free Netflix Trial
Netflix is offering a free trial for new subscribers and I can’t recommend them enough. I remember when I was a little girl, my great aunt would tell me how during the Depression, she loved to escape at the movie theater. I believe she said the price of a movie was a nickel (or was it a dime?) but the point was that Hollywood provided an escape for those who were suffering due to a lapsed economy. The same holds true today. While the economy is in its current rough state, the latest statistics show that movie attendance is up. There’s no doubt about it; when the economy is down, people enjoy the entertainment provided by Hollywood. This is why Netflix is a great idea.
Netflix allows you to enjoy all of the movies that you love from the comfort of your own home. Unlike movie rental stores, you never need to worry about late fees, and shipping is free, yes- shipping is free, both ways.
There are over 100,000 movies provided by Netflix, and you can browse through the titles and pick your favorites. You can create a queue so that your selections will be mailed to you in an order that you prefer, and Netflix has also entered the online, streaming movie arena. You can choose to watch movies online, or have them delivered directly to your mailbox. In fact, Netflix is so popular; there are over eight million current members! There’s no doubt that it is due to their huge selection and ease of use that has caused them to become so popular.
One of the things that have caused Netflix to become a great movie rental option is that they send you the return envelopes for your movies. When you receive your movie, you’ll open the envelope, and there will be a return envelope enclosed. When you are through watching your movies and are ready to mail them back, you simply put them back in the envelope, seal it shut, and put it in your mailbox. You never need to worry about writing an address or adding postage.
The free trial lasts for two weeks and if you decide you want to cancel, you won’t go through the hassles that some companies put you through. It’s easy to cancel and you won’t be charged, however with their awesome program and low rates, many people find that Netflix is a great program and decide to keep their subscription. In fact, their subscriptions are so economical, you can select from several plans, including the basic plan that costs only $4.99 per month.
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This content was written by Charisse Van Horn. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Robin Henderson for details.