What is the Purpose of Sacrament Meeting?
Today's world seems to pass us by quicker and quicker. The days fly by and before we know it, it is Sunday evening, Monday's activities looming larger and larger by the minute.
I know many people who use Saturday to recuperate from the rigors of the work week. They spend the day at home, sleeping in late, "vegging" around the house, and just generally trying to reinvigorate themselves.
This seems to work well, because by Sunday morning, many people are out and about, shopping, eating out, running their errands, and then playing golf to round out the day. "Just getting a bit of rest and relaxation," they'll say, "before hitting the ol' grindstone on Monday. Plus, gotta mow that lawn and do some shopping."
Why on earth do we as Latter-day Saints differ in this respect than so many around us, even other Christians?
I think it comes from the blessing of having latter-day prophets who continue to admonish God's children that great blessings come from honoring and obeying the command given "all the way back when" to Moses, when he was told to counsel the children of Israel to keep the Sabbath day holy.
The Lord does not change His standards. So even today, the Lord's prophets still tell us the Lord's command still stands. We are to set aside the things of this world for just one 24 hour period and focus on the things of heaven. And the blessings are amazing for those who do this (just research "Sabbath" in the scriptures to find great promises for those who honor the Lord this way).
This brings me to the purpose of this discussion. As Latter-day Saints, we attend Sacrament Meeting each Sunday to worship Christ through partaking of His Sacrament and renewing our baptismal covenants (which are actually promises to follow Him at all times and in all ways).
In fact, the purpose of the Sacrament is so holy that in reality, after partaking of that sacred moment on Sunday, we could very well sing a closing hymn, listen and participate in the closing prayer, and go home.
Instead, we do have several talks/addresses shared immediately after the Sacramental moment. These, we have been told, are simply meant to augment our service in teaching us and helping us to work toward looking heavenward during our journey on this earth.
So this Sunday, when you begin to prepare yourself for that holy moment of partaking of the emblems of Christ's sacrifice, enjoy the peace which comes to the humble heart. There is power in His atoning sacrifice and he has promised peace to all who come to Him in this way.
And that is the purpose of Sacrament meeting. I pray you enjoy yours this coming Sunday!
C.S. Bezas
I know many people who use Saturday to recuperate from the rigors of the work week. They spend the day at home, sleeping in late, "vegging" around the house, and just generally trying to reinvigorate themselves.
This seems to work well, because by Sunday morning, many people are out and about, shopping, eating out, running their errands, and then playing golf to round out the day. "Just getting a bit of rest and relaxation," they'll say, "before hitting the ol' grindstone on Monday. Plus, gotta mow that lawn and do some shopping."
Why on earth do we as Latter-day Saints differ in this respect than so many around us, even other Christians?
I think it comes from the blessing of having latter-day prophets who continue to admonish God's children that great blessings come from honoring and obeying the command given "all the way back when" to Moses, when he was told to counsel the children of Israel to keep the Sabbath day holy.
The Lord does not change His standards. So even today, the Lord's prophets still tell us the Lord's command still stands. We are to set aside the things of this world for just one 24 hour period and focus on the things of heaven. And the blessings are amazing for those who do this (just research "Sabbath" in the scriptures to find great promises for those who honor the Lord this way).
This brings me to the purpose of this discussion. As Latter-day Saints, we attend Sacrament Meeting each Sunday to worship Christ through partaking of His Sacrament and renewing our baptismal covenants (which are actually promises to follow Him at all times and in all ways).
In fact, the purpose of the Sacrament is so holy that in reality, after partaking of that sacred moment on Sunday, we could very well sing a closing hymn, listen and participate in the closing prayer, and go home.
Instead, we do have several talks/addresses shared immediately after the Sacramental moment. These, we have been told, are simply meant to augment our service in teaching us and helping us to work toward looking heavenward during our journey on this earth.
So this Sunday, when you begin to prepare yourself for that holy moment of partaking of the emblems of Christ's sacrifice, enjoy the peace which comes to the humble heart. There is power in His atoning sacrifice and he has promised peace to all who come to Him in this way.
And that is the purpose of Sacrament meeting. I pray you enjoy yours this coming Sunday!
C.S. Bezas
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