Travel Aids - Five Time-Tested Tips For Staying Cool

Travel Aids - Five Time-Tested Tips For Staying Cool
The temperature in many Southeast Asian countries are higher than what many travelers have experienced. There is nothing to spoil a trip as becoming ill. Here are five time-tested tips for staying cool.

1. Drink plenty of liquids, but limit your alcohol and caffeine intake. Buy cool, refreshing drinks. Carry bottled water. Remember fresh fruit contains moisture. Stay hydrated at all costs to stay cool!

2. Eat spicy foods and drink herbal teas. They will make you perspire and cool you down.

3. Take cool showers. The showers lower your body temperature.

4. Wear loose clothing made of cotton, linen or any other breathable fabric. This allows air circulation.

5. Wear a hat. It shades you from the strong sun. Avoid a sun stroke.

Keep these tips in mind when packing for your Southeast Asia tour. A little preparation will ensure a pleasant trip. Also, use these five guides & tips to beat the heat during the hot season at home.

Water Bottle Holder
A water bottle holder frees the travelers’ hands. It hangs comfortably from the day pack. This holder can hold plastic and soda bottles up to 1.5 liters. Fasten the holder around the bottle neck. For US$4.95, it is a great buy. Invest in your good health.

Preserve your precious memories. Keep track of the sights and attractions you experience. Keep a travel journal. You will never forget your experiences.

“Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” -Martin Luther King Jr.

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