Rave Master

Rave Master
Rave Master (which is also known as Rave and The Groove Adventure Rave) is a 51 episode anime series based off of the Rave Master manga series.

At the beginning of the first episode, we learn that 50 years before the story starts, the world was being corrupted by Dark Bring (evil stones that bestowed incredible powers to those who own them). The Dark Bring were used by the Raregroove Kingdom. The Symphonia Kingdom fought against them with their Holy Bring (which later became known as RAVE). Shiba, the first RAVE master, had attempted to destroy Sinclaire (the "mother" of the Dark Bring) with his sword, the Ten Commandments. The aftermath of this attack caused an explosion that has become known as "Overdrive"; this explosion destroyed 1/10th of the known world.

Plue, a special guardian "dog" shielded Shiba from the blast, and Shiba was able to hold on to the RAVE required to power his sword. However, Plue and the remaining pieces of RAVE scattered around the world. Plue is a RAVE bearer, and has the ability to sense other RAVE stones. Plue's nose also has the ability to destroy Dark Bring, and Plue can utilize the RAVE of Combat which powers himself and the RAVE master up.

50 years later, a 16-year-old named Haru Glory is fishing at Garage Island, and accidentally fishes up Plue. Shiba arrives on the island and desires to reclaim Plue. A mysterious organization known as Demon Card, which possesses Dark Bring and aim to rule the world, arrive on the island. Haru battles with a member of Demon Card, and Shiba discovers that Haru is the second RAVE master. Shiba ends up entrusting his RAVE, Plue, and the Ten Commandments with Haru. Haru leaves home to try to bring peace back to the world.

While Haru is on his travels, Plue gets away from him. A girl named Elie (who appears to be 16) who has no memories finds Plue, and tries to protect him from members of Dragon Card who want to put Plue into the dog races. Elie tries to fight them off with her Tonfa guns, but a member of Demon Card makes off with Plue. Elie goes to the races and bets on Plue, and she meets Haru when he comes to rescue Plue. After Elie sees Haru defeating an enemy, she decides to travel with him. Later in the series, it comes out that Elie has the power to put the RAVE back together.

Demon Card is the main nemesis of Rave Master. This organization was founded by Gale Raregroove and Gale Glory. The organization is known as Demon Card because Glory spelled the sign wrong (he had meant to write "Demon Guard"). After the membership grew too large for the two founders to support, Raregroove started accepting such unsavory jobs as assassinations. Glory didn't agree with these jobs, so he left Demon Card.

Glory heard they were using Dark Bring, and informed the empire about this, and shared where the organization was located. Even though the first incarnation of Demon Card was wiped out by the empire, Raregroove survived to start a second incarnation of the organization.

Rave Master is an anime that really isn't meant for young children. While there are some minor content issues, I come to this conclusion more from some of the complexities of the backstory. In my opinion, I think Rave Master is an anime that's appropriate for viewers ages 14 and up.

Release Year(s)
N.A. Licensor
Rave Master512001-2002Takashi WatanabeStudio DeenTokyopop

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