10 Places You Need to Dust Today

10 Places You Need to Dust Today
There are 10 places that you need to dust today, if you aren't a regular duster. You need to dust these regularly so that you can keep allergies and other illnesses at bay and also, to keep your house feeling clean, which is sometimes a lot different then being clean. When you actually think about what makes up dust, it can make you want to dust right this second. Dust is made up of dirt particles, dead skin cells, animal dander (which is made up of dead skin cells), dust mites, dust mite poop, decomposing bug parts and pieces, fabric fibers, plaster particles and even paint particles. If you use pesticides indoors then you have those left over particles, as well.

One of the most important places to dust is an obvious choice: your vents. There is no point to dusting if you have dust accumulated on your air vents that just blows all over your living space every time the heat or air comes on. This is a great place to start if you haven't done this in a while. Just remove your vent (at least half way) and then wash gently using about a cup of hot water with a couple drops of dish soap mixed in. If you add more dish soap then you will need to take extra time to rinse of your vents.

The next place you should check out is all of your flat surfaces. This will include bookshelves, shelving, table tops, etc. If you regularly dust then there is no reason to pull everything off - just wipe around it. Seasonally, however, you will need to remove things and do a thorough dusting. You might need to do it more frequently if you live in a high dust area. We live in a dairy/farming area with lots of land around - some seasons it is just dirt and other seasons it has cotton and/or alfalfa planted on it. When it is not planted with anything, the air is filled with farm dust. It can get overwhelming at times. You can choose to your store bought dusting agents or just use a microfiber towel and wipe down your shelves gently. During your seasonal and more heavy duty cleaning then just dampen your microfiber towel/rag with some hot water and a drop of dish soap. This is also a good time to see if there our books you can donate or get rid of or maybe even repurpose!

Ceiling fans are another obvious choice that often gets left out. These need to be wiped down at least monthly. They accumulate dust quite quickly. Seasonally, they need to be washed down with hot water and a drop of dish soap. This will keep them looking brand new!

Baseboards should not be neglected. Having clean baseboards can make such a high impact on how clean your house FEELS. Baseboards are easily noticed by everyone who enters your home. If they are neglected that can leave you guests wondering about your cleaning habits! Once you get them cleaned up, a regular wipe down with a dryer sheet will help keep them looking nice!

Another great place to dust regularly, your electronics! Use a wipe or cleaner that is specifically made for electronics. Don't skimp! In the long run, keeping your electronics dust free will help them last longer and work better!

Fridge coils are especially susceptible to accumulating dust. This is a great yearly deep cleaning project. If your coils aren't visible, then I would read your owners manual (or look it up online) to see how best to clean them. If yours are visible, grab your vacuum with it's dust attachment and gently vacuum them. If you have some spots that are harder to remove, just use hot water (& a drop of dish soap) and gently scrub.

Window sills are notorious for holding on to dust and dirt. Regular vacuuming is must. If you have caked on dirt or grime, then grab a couple cotton swabs and some hot water with a drop or two of dish soap and you can get those cleaned right away.

Closets aren't high on the list of things that are noticeably dusty, however, fabric fibers are generally the most common items found on a closet floor (along with dead and decomposing bug parts). Seasonal dusting of your closets is a must. You need to regularly vacuum or sweep the floor of the closets. Seasonally you need to make sure the shelves are cleaned off and even the tops of your garments or wiped clean.

Last but not least: your flooring. You need to make sure that carpets are regularly vacuumed and floors are regularly swept. Make sure that fairly regularly you get hard to reach places.

Whatever you cleaning goals for this week, good luck!

Make it a great one!

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