How To Manage Your Brexit Stress

Reeling from Brexit? The stock market plunging? Take a deep breath and know that in the larger context, this too shall pass. Change is usually destabilizing and many people already have a negativity bias. Put the two together and you have a crystal ball of catastrophe. Awareness of this negativity bias can help you find greater emotional resilience. In any case the British people have spoken and seek independence. Scotland is considering leaving the United Kingdom to be independent. Will other European countries follow suit? We in this country surely understand the desire for self-reliance. Let's wait and see the big picture unfold.
From an evolutionary perspective human beings are basically tribal. This is both good and bad. Good in the sense that your tribe can support and defend you against modern day saber tooth tigers; bad in the sense that you give up some of your individualism and live with tribal restrictions. When the balance of benefits versus restrictions tips, change happens. For example, too many restrictions or you don’t accept the tribe’s mores any more, you exit your tribe. On the other hand, you might feel that your tribe is being infiltrated by foreigners and you feel the need for a clearer identity from surrounding tribes, you decide to separate to fortify the unique characteristics of your people.
Human nature sees a little stain on a shirt and is drawn to that spot even though the rest of the shirt is clean and attractive. Similarly, when you stand in front of large painting, you are too close. You need to step back and see the bigger picture. So too with Brexit: When there is destabilization, there will be a return to center – albeit a center that has shifted. Human beings are engineered to adapt. This is a huge principle of stress management. Each stressor that you are overloaded with and ultimately conquer, makes you stronger for the next stressor that you encounter. And there surely will be another stressor. Overload and adaptation is the cycle of nature. Enjoy the interim of respite to come back better!
Stress management strategies:
For more information on managing your stress and reclaiming your life read my book, Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life. To listen to archived radio shows with guest experts visit Turn On Your Inner Light Radio Show
From an evolutionary perspective human beings are basically tribal. This is both good and bad. Good in the sense that your tribe can support and defend you against modern day saber tooth tigers; bad in the sense that you give up some of your individualism and live with tribal restrictions. When the balance of benefits versus restrictions tips, change happens. For example, too many restrictions or you don’t accept the tribe’s mores any more, you exit your tribe. On the other hand, you might feel that your tribe is being infiltrated by foreigners and you feel the need for a clearer identity from surrounding tribes, you decide to separate to fortify the unique characteristics of your people.
Human nature sees a little stain on a shirt and is drawn to that spot even though the rest of the shirt is clean and attractive. Similarly, when you stand in front of large painting, you are too close. You need to step back and see the bigger picture. So too with Brexit: When there is destabilization, there will be a return to center – albeit a center that has shifted. Human beings are engineered to adapt. This is a huge principle of stress management. Each stressor that you are overloaded with and ultimately conquer, makes you stronger for the next stressor that you encounter. And there surely will be another stressor. Overload and adaptation is the cycle of nature. Enjoy the interim of respite to come back better!
Stress management strategies:
- Keep yourself centered if you have to make financial decisions based on Brexit. Breathe deeply by inhaling and exhaling through the nose – 4 counts - repeat for a set of 5. You are oxygenating your brain to think more clearly and lowering your blood pressure at the same time.
- Shoulders back and down is a posture which gives you confidence and puts you in good alignment.
- Eat a Mediterranean diet as it is balanced and triggers a sunny disposition.
- Move the stress hormones out of your body: Exercise, lift weights, or take a walk in the light.
- Connect with your tribe to discuss and regroup. This means your co-workers in the office, or your family at home.
- Keep alert for opportunities as the situation becomes clearer. A trader on CNBC is looking in the direction of emerging markets. Know that after a tsunami, the land turns more fertile and people build homes which are stronger.
For more information on managing your stress and reclaiming your life read my book, Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life. To listen to archived radio shows with guest experts visit Turn On Your Inner Light Radio Show