How To Get Someone To Fall In Love With You

If you are looking for love, stats indicate that Venus and Mars are best aligned in the winter as you cast your arrows towards Valentine's Day. As proof, points out a 25 to 30 percent increase in new member registrations between Dec. 26 and Feb. 14. So what can you do to increase your personal odds of changing your single status on Facebook to a coupled one?
Keep in mind that both women and men grew up exposed to fairy tales – even feminists and men who are in touch with their feminine side. Generally, this means that men are looking for approval and status in a relationship and women are seeking appreciation and support. Tap into this instinct which is as old as time.
5 simple tips to be successful at love in 2015:
For more information on managing your stress and reclaiming your life read my book, Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life. To listen to archived radio shows with guest experts visit Turn On Your Inner Light Radio Show
Keep in mind that both women and men grew up exposed to fairy tales – even feminists and men who are in touch with their feminine side. Generally, this means that men are looking for approval and status in a relationship and women are seeking appreciation and support. Tap into this instinct which is as old as time.
5 simple tips to be successful at love in 2015:
- You can be a glow that illuminates or a glare that obscures. Therefore be upbeat and shift your perception toward the positive. People simply adore someone who radiates optimism and has a positive perspective on life. Good energy is magnetic and good moods are contagious. When you are together, don’t criticize the various people in your life like your family, your ex, your boss, the waiter, the food, etc. In order to look through a positive lens manage your personal stress levels. Reframe negatives with a more compassionate spin.
- Everyone loves good humor. Laugh at your date’s jokes and smile at the words of wisdom. Being expressive and warm makes you likable and more attractive. This gives your date status and a personal stamp of approval-making the other person feel good and at ease in your presence. An instant benefit is that YOU will be deemed a good conversationalist and fun.
- Act your natural self and be confident in your identity. True power is not measured in dollar signs, grades, or pounds. It is vital that you know what you uniquely bring to the table as an original, so you won’t feel overwhelmed by someone else’ accomplishments, money or education. Confidence is charismatic.
- Look into your date’s eyes to show this person that he or she is your only focus. That’s a big deal in a digital age. The eyes are still the windows of the soul and enhance your credibility. If you look down at your hands or away while you speak, you send a nonverbal cue that you are not forthcoming – even if this could not be farthest from the truth, like you are actually not making eye contact because you are shy.
- Show your hands. Don’t stuff them in a pocket, sit on them, keep them under the table, or behind you. From an evolutionary perspective, keeping your hands in view means that you are safe and have no secret weapons.
For more information on managing your stress and reclaiming your life read my book, Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life. To listen to archived radio shows with guest experts visit Turn On Your Inner Light Radio Show