Prayers of Paul - Ephesians

Prayers of Paul - Ephesians
I’m resolved to devote more time and more of my heart to prayer this year. I have always considered myself a prayerful person—with a running conversation with God throughout my day—Pray without ceasing, sort of thing. I pray in the morning before beginning my day, for friends who request it, and of course, at church. However, as I compare my prayers to those written in the bible, mine are shallow.

When I think of prayer in the New Testament, the prayers of Paul come to mind. The Apostle Paul preached for Christ throughout the Roman Empire and wrote much of the New Testament through his letters to the various churches. His love for the church body shines in the prayers he included in each letter. Paul possessed an intimate knowledge of the character of Christ and he petitioned that his readers would gain that insight.
    Ephesians 1:17-20
  • Paul prayed for the believers in Ephesus. He prayed that they would receive the spirit of wisdom and of revelation so that they would know Christ better.
    • In the dictionary, wisdom is knowledge of what is true or right along with good judgment as to action. In the bible, wisdom is a moral quality rather than intellectual. It is insight into the true nature of things—insight that comes only from God.
    • Revelation is something revealed or disclosed. In the bible, it is an uncovering or bringing to light the mystery previously hidden or only vaguely seen.

  • Paul prayed that the Ephesians would know God personally and intimately, that they would have an intimate awareness of God’s character and will. This is obtained from studying God's word and from prayer.

  • Paul prayed that the eyes of their heart would be enlightened--that they would know the hope to which they were called. As a child, I hoped for Christmas or birthday gifts or I hoped things would turn out for the best. As a believer, my hope isn't that vague feeling, but absolute assurance of salvation—the promised victory. Paul prayed that the believers of Ephesus would have an assured inner awareness of the salvation they had already received.

  • He prayed they would know the riches of Christ’s glorious inheritance. God inherits those Jesus purchased with his blood. As believers, our inheritance is freedom from the power of sin and the final redemption from the presence of sin, which we will have when we join Jesus in heaven or when he returns to rule on earth.

  • Paul prayed that they would know God’s incomparable, great power for those who believe. Power: We fear power in the hands of an enemy—the power of nuclear weapons, bombs, even physical power—yet we belong to the one who created power. This is the same power God exerted when he raised Jesus from the grave and he makes it available to us, who belong to him.

    Amazing life changing and prayer changing, blessings in Christ.
  • The spirit of wisdom and revelation to know Christ better.
  • Heart enlightened to know the hope to which I've been called.
  • Know the glorious inheritance.
  • Awareness of his great power for those who believe.

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