Vodka Collins Cocktail Recipe

Vodka Collins Cocktail Recipe
If you're a low carber, give a vodka collins a try. These cocktails are tasty and low carb too!

2oz vodka
1/2 oz lemon juice
1 tsp Splenda
carbonated water

Shake the vodka, lemon juice and Splenda with ice, then strain into a Collins glass. Fill up with carbonated water. You can add a slice of lemon for decoration and added flavor. Tradition is that you drink this with a straw!

A collins glass is really just a tall, thin version of a regular regular glass, which is known as a "highball" glass.

Vodka is zero carbs, as is Splenda and water. The only thing here with carbs is the lemon juice, 1.2g for the 1/2oz.

Because the vodka is not "hidden" by any other flavors here, it pays to get yourself a good quality vodka. It's like eating ice cream - if you're going to douse it in syrup and other things, it doesn't really matter what the ice cream tastes like. But if you're just going to eat it plain, as a special treat, it can be worth it to get something really tasty.

This is a great drink recipe in that all you really need is vodka. The rest of the ingredients are all common items you probably have lying around the house anyway. Be sure to drink in moderation!

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