The PHP Date Function Format Chart
The PHP date() function is one of the most useful built-in functions. Below is the syntax and description for the various format controls.
The PHP Date() Function Format Chart | a | am or pm in lowercase letters | A | AM or PM in uppercase letters | h | hour in digits (01 to12) | H | hour in digits (00 to 23) | g | hour in digits without the leading zero (1 to 12) | G | hour in digits without the leading zero (0 to 23) | i | minutes in digits (00 to 59) | s | seconds in digits (00 to 59) | d | day of month in digits (01 to 31) | j | day of month in digits without the leading zero (1 to 31) | D | day of week in three letter text (Mon to Sun) | l | day of week in complete text (Monday to Sunday) syntax is a lowercase "L" | w | day of week numeric (0 to 6) (Sunday to Saturday) | F | month in complete text (January to December) | m | month in digits (01 to 12) | n | month in digits without leading zero (1 to 12) | M | month in three letter text (Jan to Dec) | Y | year in four digits (2004) | y | year in 2 digits (04) | z | day of year (0 to 365) | t | number of days in a month (28 to 31) | S | English suffix (th, nd, st) | Z | time zone offset in seconds (-43200 to 43200) | U | seconds since Epoch (Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT) |
The PHP Date Function
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