Daisy Petals and Their Meanings
The Daisy Petals introduce the girls to the various components of the Girl Scout Promise and Law. The daisy center and ten petals are earned when the girls are in kindergarten and first grade by doing "petal work." These activities or crafts build understanding of each one of the ten parts to the Girl Scout Law. The daisy center representing the Girl Scout Promise is earned first. Other than that, there is no specific order in which the individual petals must be earned. Listed below you will find all the petal colors, the line of the Girl Scout Law they represent and their respective meanings and the flower friend name.
Center- Learn the Girl Scout Promise
Light Blue- Honest and fair: the sky is blue and always fair… it rains on everyone or shines on everyone. Lupe the Lupine
Yellow- Friendly and helpful: yellow is cheerful and friendly and the color of the sun which helps all living things grow. Sunny the Sunflower
Light Green- Considerate and caring: reminds us of new plants that sprout in the spring and require our consideration and caring to grow into healthy plants. Zinni the Zinnia
Red- Courageous and strong: the color of blood representing strength and bravery. Tula the Tulip
Orange- Responsible for what I say and do: the color of fire and reminds us to always be responsible, for fire can consume everything in its path if not used responsibly. Mari the Marigold
Purple- Respect myself and others: the color of nobility and honor and commands respect. Gloria the Morning Glory
Magenta- Respect authority: the combination of red and blue, the colors of our flag and commands our respect. Gerri the Geranium
Green- Use resources wisely: the color of the grass and the trees. It reminds us to be careful to keep our earth green. Clover
Rose- Make the world a better place: reminds us of the rose flower and to always find beauty in the world and try to leave it better than we found it. Rosie the Rose
Violet- Be a sister to every Girl Scout: the violet flower grows in groups and we grow best surrounded by our sister Girl Scouts. Vi the Violet
Girl Scout Daisies are just at the beginning of their journey and learning new skills that they will carry them through their lives. Make the activities to earn the petals fun and the lessons behind them will surely last. After each petal is earned, it is always rewarding to have a little celebration to acknowledge the girls' achievement. The girls are very proud of their hard work and as a leader, well sometimes I think, we are the most proud.
Center- Learn the Girl Scout Promise
Light Blue- Honest and fair: the sky is blue and always fair… it rains on everyone or shines on everyone. Lupe the Lupine
Yellow- Friendly and helpful: yellow is cheerful and friendly and the color of the sun which helps all living things grow. Sunny the Sunflower
Light Green- Considerate and caring: reminds us of new plants that sprout in the spring and require our consideration and caring to grow into healthy plants. Zinni the Zinnia
Red- Courageous and strong: the color of blood representing strength and bravery. Tula the Tulip
Orange- Responsible for what I say and do: the color of fire and reminds us to always be responsible, for fire can consume everything in its path if not used responsibly. Mari the Marigold
Purple- Respect myself and others: the color of nobility and honor and commands respect. Gloria the Morning Glory
Magenta- Respect authority: the combination of red and blue, the colors of our flag and commands our respect. Gerri the Geranium
Green- Use resources wisely: the color of the grass and the trees. It reminds us to be careful to keep our earth green. Clover
Rose- Make the world a better place: reminds us of the rose flower and to always find beauty in the world and try to leave it better than we found it. Rosie the Rose
Violet- Be a sister to every Girl Scout: the violet flower grows in groups and we grow best surrounded by our sister Girl Scouts. Vi the Violet
Girl Scout Daisies are just at the beginning of their journey and learning new skills that they will carry them through their lives. Make the activities to earn the petals fun and the lessons behind them will surely last. After each petal is earned, it is always rewarding to have a little celebration to acknowledge the girls' achievement. The girls are very proud of their hard work and as a leader, well sometimes I think, we are the most proud.
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