Don't make Resolutions~~
Resolutions, that dirty word that shows up with the start of a brand new year. Well this year don’t make resolutions. Make goals for the New Year.
As diabetics, eating and exercise go hand in hand to control our disease. When these two are in sync our numbers are great and we feel good. However, rethink your resolutions, do you need to lose ten, twenty pounds, or eat more vegetables. Remember five or more a day is a great goal.
Diet is a four-letter word. In order to achieve goals in weight loss and maintain it you must change the way you eat and not consider it a diet, but a way of life. This will help you maintain control and have less anxiety about food in general. Remember we need food to maintain and sustain us; negative attitudes will affect your numbers.
So instead of making your resolution list, make a goal list. Attainable goals, not realistic or unreachable ones such as losing twenty pounds in two months or running a marathon. Here is a sample list: This is just a sample of what you can do. So if friends ask you if you made any New Year resolutions tell them you’ve made new goals. Hope everyone has a great start for the New Year!!
1. Exercise 15 minutes a day
2. Add one more piece of fruit to my diet
3. Check blood sugar twice a day.
4. Lose ten pounds in the next six months
5. Buy new clothes when I have lost the weight.
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The Five a Day site
Exercise and Diabetics
Setting Goals
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This content was written by Cindy Kimura. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Cindy Kimura for details.