Web Design Ezine vol 2 no 5

Web Design Ezine vol 2 no 5

Web Design Ezine

By June Kaminski
from BellaOnline

Volume 2, Number 5 - August, 2004


Welcome to this month's edition of the Web Design Ezine from BellaOnline. Check out the articles on the site - there are several, chock full of tips and guidelines for publishing professional user-friendly websites. This month a new feature, "Design Target Niches" unfolds, starting with an article on designing effective, appealing real estate sites. Lots of resources have also been added, which all lead to useful web building tools and techno know-how. If you have a question you would like to see published in the ezine, have a job to post or a great resource, send in your submission by emailing me at webdesign@bellaonline.com.


In this section, new jobs for web designers will be showcased. If you have a job for a web designer, feel free to send it in!

Webmaster - Web Ninja
Los Angeles location, Telecommuting allowed

I need a WEB NINJA (not a wanna be ninja) Super Geek Wanted - someone that plays with HTML and software programs like it was a pair of Nunchaku. YOU MUST BE ABLE TO USE NETOBJECTS FUSION 8. Looking for super fast Webmaster / Designer to maintain and update our Web sites. Someone that can keep the files on their computer and FTP update as needed. A work plan will need to be created and we prefer to work on a mini-project basis. Person must use NetObjects Fusion 8 so we can keep our files congruent and updated. Base rate will be $10.00 an hour and or a price per project. This is PART TIME work and you can work from your own computer. E-mail me - NO ATTACHMENTS. Requirements are as follows:
* Have a lot of free time
* Code is your friend and you are a super geek
* Have a high speed internet connection
* Can use Netobjects Fusion 8 (super easy to learn)
* Know FLASH
UPDATE: This job is filled.

London, U.K. Web Designer Position
Web designer/developer wanted! World famous sports federation are looking for an experience web designer/developer to take a key role in their small but dynamic web development team. You will have at least 4 years commercial experience in a web development environment and have expertise in web orientated skills such as HTML, Javascript, VBscript, ASP and SQL Server. Ideally, you will have previous project experience of developing web interfaces or moving offline systems onto the web. An understanding of design concepts and familiarity with design tools (e.g. Photoshop) would be a great advantage. Graduate educated, you will also have excellent communication skills. An outstanding opportunity with a unique organisation. Permanent position, based in London. £30000 - £32000 per annum. Reference No. £30000 - £32000 per annum Do not hesitate! AD EXPIRED/

Freelance Web Designer

Globalnet GNP ( https://www.globalnetpromotions.com/now_hiring.htm) We regularly need freelance web designers due to the hard work of our web referral partners and our sales and marketing team. As a freelance web designer you would be an independent contractor. You may accept or decline available work on a job by job basis. You will get paid no less than $25 per page and no less than $50 for order forms. We will handle all technical support for the client and billing as well. You will receive half of the estimated job value up front, half upon satisfactory completion. The average job is a 5 to 10 page business info style web site using our free stock templates and a feedback form. AD EXPIRED.


This section showcases valuable resources for web designers, beginners to experts. If you would like your resource featured in our publication, send in the url, contact name and a brief description of the resource.

Weary Wandering Webmasters at https://www.mvd.com/webguide/
This site includes an HTML Style Guide, Image Creation Guide, Design Guides and links to dozens of sites for FREE images, free animations, free backgrounds, Java plugins, sounds, etc.

Tips, Tricks, How-Tos and Beyond at https://www.tips-tricks.com/
Easy to read, easy to follow, easy to get a result,....Quick tips to help you learn and apply the basics of effective web design.

Killer Sites.com at https://www.killersites.com/
Web design articles, tutorials and tips to help you to learn to build killer web sites. Includes stock photography, message boards, web and book reviews and the kiilersites handbook.
Interested in teaching or learning in the online environment? Come visit my new Distance Learning site at BellaOnline! Articles, courses, and other resources for helping you tap the evolving world of e-learning!

Go for the Best!
Ready to make your presence known in the online arena this year? Unique, aesthetic web design for the discerning. Entire sites, templates, graphics, logos, banners, CD covers, Ezines, Web Writing. Free graphics too!

Dynamic Web Coding
HTML Highlights Series: Part 5 - This is the fifth article in a series of five on the important topic of HTML for designers. The series will look at the importance of mastering HTML, review the 3.2 and 4.0 versions of HTML and introduce the advanced topics of XHTML and DHTML

FLASH 101: Basics for Beginning Flash Wizards
An essential tool of all serious web designers, Flash can add life and interest to all of your web asterpieces. A free, 5 part mini-course.

Designing Top-Notch Real Estate Sites
Target Niche Series: Part 1 - This is the first article in a new series focused on design tips and tricks for creating target niche web sites. This first feature focuses on the design of effective and appealing real estate web sites.

Web Design Forum

Join in the online discussion related to effective web design strategies, tips, and experiences.

Web Design Shoppe
Shop for essential design books, software, hardware, add-ons and videos in the comfort and privacy of your own home!

Send an E-Postcard!
Easily send an original postcard to friends and loved ones featuring the graphic work and photography of our host, free of charge. Mystical, natural, unique.

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This content was written by June Kaminski. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact BellaOnline Administration for details.