Science Recipes

Science Recipes
Here are the recipes for non edible science project materials. Remember to be mindful of your homeschoolers while preparing and experimenting with these recipes. Sometimes even the oldest child will occasionally attempt to eat an unedible item.


Ingredients Needed:
Elmer's Glue
Liquid starch
Food coloring (you choose the color)

Combine 1/2 cup Elmer's glue, two tablespoons liquid starch and 5 drops of food coloring together in a medium sized bowl. Vigorously mix the ingredients with a fork, like you were making scrambled eggs. After a few minutes,the mixture will become stringy. Continue to mix the ingredients with a fork, or knead it with your hands to make a putty type substance. If it feels sticky, add more starch; if it feels slimy, add more glue. When you reach the right consistency, all the material should come off your hands into a ball. Pull it apart, put it back together or use it to make shapes and objects. This needs to be stored in refrigerator in a plastic bag.


Ingredients Needed:
2 cups of corn starch
3 drops of green food coloring
Enough water to make a thick mixture (about the texture of pancake batter)Have 1 cup of water handy to pour out slowly when mixing.

Mix all of the ingredients together. Add the water slowly so as not to liquify the mixture too much. Note the textures this Oobleck has, and try using different utensils, like as a spatula and funnel, to see what form the mixture will take with using them.

Challenge your homeschooler with a variety of ideas for experimentation, including noting the mixtures in their various forms. Compare and contrast the two recipes, and try experiments like molding them into the same shape. Encourage discussion while your child is doing this hands on activity. Older children can complete a report on their findings, including a hypothesis, procedure and conclusion.

If your budding scientist wishes to actually taste some of his or her creations, a great book to get is The Science Chef: 100 Fun Food Experiments and Recipes for Kids by Joan D'Amico. Another great resource is the book Oobleck, Slime & Dancing Spaghetti: Twenty Terrific at Home Science Experiments Inspired by Favorite Children's Books by Jennifer Williams. Enjoy cooking up some science fun!

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