Dealing With Depression...Spiritually Speaking

Dealing With Depression...Spiritually Speaking
Depression. The blues. The low-tides. Whatever you call it; it’s real and it can be devastating. But no matter how devastating, there is light at the end of the tunnel. In fact, there is sunshine whilst in this tunnel of darkness called depression. Our spirit yearns to be free. And perhaps a diet rich in the Word of God can lead you on the right path. Don’t let no one tell you otherwise: Believers get depressed, too!

Not too many people know that I have battled with depression—severe depression. At times, it was overwhelming, and I just wanted to hide from the world; but I couldn’t. So I continued to forge ahead. The funny thing was, I never thought I was depressed. Not until I went to my doctor for my yearly physically and started bawling like a baby for a half hour. My doctor was so kind. He didn’t interrupt; he listened while I bawled, offering me a tissue. After my water works ended, he said: ‘Okay. Now are you ready for what comes next? You’ve had a traumatic three years, and it’s okay and perfectly natural to be depressed.’

What was he talking about? I wasn’t depressed. I can’t be depressed. I have a relationship with God. I have a prayer life. I’m always talking things out. Shoot!—I help other depressed people. Sound familiar? Yes I went there. That whole Christian thing.

Who says Christians don’t get depressed? We all do. But what do we do about it when prayer just doesn’t seem to be working? We call in for reinforcements. Whatever it may be, without feeling like a failure or ashamed.

I have learned that speaking with someone who knows absolutely nothing about your life, except what you tell them, and someone who is non-judgmental really goes a long way in the fight against depression. Along with prayer, faith, and a group of people that love you, who you can be candid with, can actually add some sunshine in the midst of the tunnel of depression.

For me, prayer, faith, loving people to talk with and counseling has done wonders. So has a change in diet and more exercise. I didn’t know how much I had buried and was not expressing. Also, I knew that I suffered from a syndrome I like to call: perfectionism. I now tell people: ‘excuse me, I’m a recovering perfectionist.’

Life really is too short to be hindered or weighed down with so many burdens. There’s nothing wrong with seeking help. If you need professional help, get it. If you’re one of the ones that require medication; then get it. However the Lord opens a door for you to receive release, don’t be ashamed to walk through it, and get what you need; so you can be well all around.

3 John 1:2 “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” (KJV)

As a believer, I know that it is God’s will that I prosper in every area of my life. And if my soul is prospering in the ways and knowledge of God; then everything else must prosper as well. Including my mind. Learning how to let things go, learning how to say no, and learning how to express myself emotionally has been liberating.

God has given us all great gifts. Gifts that He wants us to share. Sometimes we enter a dark place in our lives because of circumstances or situations. Sometimes we get there and don’t even know how. But the wonderful thing is, we are never alone and God is always there with outstretched hands to guide us and lead us in the right direction.

Just because you have a relationship with God, doesn’t mean that you are not susceptible to the ailments of the flesh, and the realities of the world we live in. Especially as women, we tend to take more on our plate than we should, and have a hard time saying no, except when it comes to ourselves.

It’s time to start saying no to some things and some people, and start saying yes to yourself. You are worth it. You deserve to live the life that God has ordained for you form the beginning. Depression is real, and nothing to be ashamed of. Let your spirit shine, and receive the help that God has made available to you. Reclaim your peace of mind. And remember to take time out to rest, relax, and appreciate you, and all that you do.

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