Gift, Gifts - Dream Symbols

Gift, Gifts - Dream Symbols
I am prone to getting weepy eyed at any number of things for any number of reasons and one such thing that causes the salt water to flow from my tear ducts is the "Little Drummer Boy" song. The whole idea of the song--the little kid thinking he can't compete with all the extravagance of gold and frankincense and myrhh and feeling completely unable to give anything remotely appropriate to the occasion and then discovering that just giving his heart and doing his best is all that is needed...well, sorry, gotta wipe my eyes.

Gifts are all around us during the holiday season. We dream of what we may receive and we fret over what to give. And in the end, our satisfaction over what we receive and what we give is ultimately measured in the sincerity put into the gift and what it means to our hearts--not our pocketbooks.

Dreams of gifts are similar. Gifts are all about the interaction of giving and receiving and as dream symbols they can symbolize the balance or imbalance in our lives from how we are interacting with others, or they may reflect how we are giving and receiving the life force within ourselves. Are we nurturing ourselves, allowing ourselves to receive as much as we put out there? By that I mean are that we often pour a ton of thought into the universe regarding what we desire but don't slow down to receive an answer to all those prayers. To be balanced and healthy and whole requires that we receive as well as give. And this applies to waking life as well!

Until next time, sleep well and dream out loud!

*~Aisling Ireland~* is an ordained Interfaith Minister, available for weddings and commitment ceremonies and a Spiritual Counselor providing dream interpretation and Tarot readings. To make an appointment check out her website at: Sang-Realta Spiritual Counseling

Two of my favorite reference books are the two below by Barbara Walker. Both have interesting information about god/desses, mythology, and symbols. I use both frequently to help interpret symbols in my own dreams!

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