Best Couples of 2006

Best Couples of 2006
Best ABC Couples of 2006

Lily and Jonathan--OK, so there was a certain creepiness to this could. Lily is sweet and innocent and Jonathan is anything but sweet or innocent. Yet this was the first couple in a long time to show real love. They cared for each other, looked out for one another, and were genuinely in love. The best part of this pairing? More screen time for Leven Rambin.

Starr and Cole--Ah, first love. Brings back memories of my teen years, when I met my husband. These two are awkward around each other, unsure of themselves, and insecure in how to proceed. How many of us were any different in high school? That their parents share such an intense history makes Starr and Cole’s relationship more unsteady. Will Starr forgive Cole for his steriod induced behavior? Will Cole be able to move beyond Todd’s past enough to continue see Starr? Will they stand up to their parents and follow their hearts?

Tess and Nash--For a figment of Jessica’s imagination (as I can just imagine Claudia calling her), Tess sure was fun. I found the DID storyline boring and drawn out. But there was something fun and refreshing about the romance of Tess and Nash. Neither was looking for love. Tess was looking for a good time and Nash was just intrigued by the party girl. Can you imagine what would happen to Baby Brennan had Tess been the dominant personality in the integration?

Robin and Patrick--That these two fell in love did not come as a surprise to viewers. There were sparks between them they moment they met. Oh, they tried to hide it. Robin had been hurt before and preferred two concentrate on her work. Patrick was having too much fun with women in general to limit himself to one woman in particular. Watching them learn more about themselves and each other as the love progresses is priceless.

Emily and Nikolas--Not since Luke and Laura a there been a soap couple so obviously made for each other. Sure, they have had their problems. But Emily’s relationship with Sonny and Nik’s relationship with Courtney only proved that Em and Nik belong together. Their struggles and time apart have only made them stronger. They appreciate each other more. Searching for Baby Spencer can do nothing but bring them closer.

Skye and Alcazar-Putting this couple in my top ten list is probably unfair. I have always loved any couple--on any show--that featured Robin Christopher or Ted King. Putting the two together was bound to be a hit. Skye’s confusion is real--she loves this man, wants him in their daughter’s life, but is terrified of his business. Lorenzo is equally confused. The death of his son proved to him how dangerous his profession is. Yet he knows getting out can be equally hazardous. How they make this work--if they make it work--will be interesting to see.

Krystal and Adam-- Sure they are headed for disaster. If the marital troubles of their kids don’t drive them apart, the fact that she is carrying another man’s child will. Still, I will enjoy the loving, uninhibited couple for as long as they last.

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