Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary Essential Oil
Aromatherapy is the process of using essential oils from plants and herbs for health and wellness. Rosemary is not just an herb used in cooking things like rosemary chicken. It is also an essential oil that can be used for many practical purposes. Rosemary is widely used in health and healing.

Rosemary essential oil has many therapeutic properties. It is a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. It is also referred to as a decongestant and diuretic. The oil also has a calming effect and can help soothe muscle pain and spasms.

You can add rosemary essential oil to a bath. This oil mixed with the hot water acts as a natural decongestant. You also add eucalyptus along with rosemary to clear out the sinuses. Rosemary is also good at calming your muscles and soothing arthritis pain.

Rosemary is also good to use on your scalp. It helps clear up dandruff or moisturize a dry scalp. It may even help your hair grow faster and stronger. Coconut oil also helps the air grow stronger so it would be great to mix the two together and use as a scalp treatment.

There are many benefits of using rosemary as a topical treatment. Mix a carrier oil such as coconut, grapeseed or jojoba with rosemary and massage it onto different parts or your body. Massage onto sore joints or arthritic joints to help with pain and inflammation. Massage onto your abdomen to help treat constipation and IBS. Rosemary may also help to lessen the appearance of cellulite.

Rosemary oil blends with other essential oils. It blends well with eucalyptus, tea tree, lemongrass and sweet orange essential oils. It also blends well with coconut oil. You can blend different oils together to make your own home made remedies or spa products.

Rosemary and eucalyptus mix well together for muscle soreness and sinus issues. I use them in my bath to purify the water and to help aid in breathing. The mixture clears out my sinuses and helps with my mild asthma symptoms.

I mixed rosemary with coconut oil, eucalyptus, lemongrass and sweet orange oil as a skin treatment. My skin feels softer and it does not aggravate my allergies. I have massaged it on my abdomen as well. I have noticed that I am not having as many stomach problems. I also lost an inch on my waist in two weeks.

I used about a half cup of unrefined coconut oil, two drops eucalyptus, three drops rosemary, four drops of both orange and lemongrass. I used more orange and lemongrass for a more pleasant scent. The scent is a little strong.

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Eucalyptus Oil Benefits And Uses
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