Summer Themed Writing Prompts
Even if your homeschooler is enjoying a summer break, journal writing is still a must several times a week. Keep your child's creative juices flowing with these writing prompts featuring a summertime theme. There are several ideas for all grade levels, and you can adapt all prompts to your child's level.
Kindergarten to Grade Two-
1. Summer is a fun time to play outdoors more. List ten activities you like to do outside in the summer. If able, write a sentence for each activity you chose.
2. You have been asked to help create a new summer themed ice cream flavor. Describe, in words or sentences what your flavor is like. Then draw a picture of your delicious creation!
3. Swimming is a popular sport during the summer months. Do you know how to swim? Do you like to swim? Why or why not?
4. Explain how the weather is during the summer. Use adjectives to describe the outdoors at this time of year. Draw a picture to go with your description.
5. Write an Acrostic poem using the word summer. Draw a picture in your journal to go along with your poem.
Grades Three through Six-
1. What is your favorite thing to do during the summer months? Describe why you enjoy these activities. Can you do these things during the school year? Why or why not?
2. Will you go on a family vacation this summer? Have you already been on one? If so, write about what you did on vacation. If you are going on one soon, write about what you'd like to do on your trip, and where you are going. If you are not planning to go on a trip, where would you like to go if you could? Why?
3. During the summer months the weather can get quite hot. Pets need special care during these warm days. Write a list of things pet owners should do to care for their pets during the summer months. If you have a pet, write about what you do.
4. Oh no! You just realized someone put green slime in the public pool! What happened? (You tell the story)
5. Write a recipe for a tasty summer fruit salad and create it too! Take a photo of your edible dish and paste it next to your recipe in your journal.
Grades Seven through Twelve-
1. The oil spill has greatly affected the ocean, ocean life, and beaches in the south. Do you have any thoughts on containing this oil spill, or preventing further ones from occuring? How do you see this spill impacting summer travel?
2. Would you prefer to have summer off or homeschool year round? What do you do now? Are you happy with your current situation? Why or why not?
3. You have been assigned the task of creating a fun summer day camp for preschool children. What activities would you have the children do? How would the day look? Write a sample schedule.
4. You are at summer camp, minding your own business in your cabin when you hear something shocking! Your roomate is outside the cabin door telling everyone he or she is a vampire! How do you react? (*This is a creative wirting assignment!)
5. Write a poem about summer. Use free verse or couplets. Paint or sketch a summer picture to go along with your poetry.
Kindergarten to Grade Two-
1. Summer is a fun time to play outdoors more. List ten activities you like to do outside in the summer. If able, write a sentence for each activity you chose.
2. You have been asked to help create a new summer themed ice cream flavor. Describe, in words or sentences what your flavor is like. Then draw a picture of your delicious creation!
3. Swimming is a popular sport during the summer months. Do you know how to swim? Do you like to swim? Why or why not?
4. Explain how the weather is during the summer. Use adjectives to describe the outdoors at this time of year. Draw a picture to go with your description.
5. Write an Acrostic poem using the word summer. Draw a picture in your journal to go along with your poem.
Grades Three through Six-
1. What is your favorite thing to do during the summer months? Describe why you enjoy these activities. Can you do these things during the school year? Why or why not?
2. Will you go on a family vacation this summer? Have you already been on one? If so, write about what you did on vacation. If you are going on one soon, write about what you'd like to do on your trip, and where you are going. If you are not planning to go on a trip, where would you like to go if you could? Why?
3. During the summer months the weather can get quite hot. Pets need special care during these warm days. Write a list of things pet owners should do to care for their pets during the summer months. If you have a pet, write about what you do.
4. Oh no! You just realized someone put green slime in the public pool! What happened? (You tell the story)
5. Write a recipe for a tasty summer fruit salad and create it too! Take a photo of your edible dish and paste it next to your recipe in your journal.
Grades Seven through Twelve-
1. The oil spill has greatly affected the ocean, ocean life, and beaches in the south. Do you have any thoughts on containing this oil spill, or preventing further ones from occuring? How do you see this spill impacting summer travel?
2. Would you prefer to have summer off or homeschool year round? What do you do now? Are you happy with your current situation? Why or why not?
3. You have been assigned the task of creating a fun summer day camp for preschool children. What activities would you have the children do? How would the day look? Write a sample schedule.
4. You are at summer camp, minding your own business in your cabin when you hear something shocking! Your roomate is outside the cabin door telling everyone he or she is a vampire! How do you react? (*This is a creative wirting assignment!)
5. Write a poem about summer. Use free verse or couplets. Paint or sketch a summer picture to go along with your poetry.
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