Jello Sugar Free Pudding Mix

Jello Sugar Free Pudding Mix
Most low carbers get a craving for chocolate every once in a while. By making the sugar free Jello with low carb milk, you end up with a chocolate dessert that is relatively low in carbs.

The pudding itself has 8g carbs per serving, and 1/2 cup of low carb milk has 1.5g. If you think 9.5g per serving is high, look at NORMAL pudding. A normal glass of milk is 6g per 1/2 cup. Normal chocolate pudding mix is a full 41g per serving! So you are getting a mere 9.5g instead of 47g per bowl. It is really scary how many carbs and calories we pump into children and adults with snacks like these.

OK, back to the mix. We mix up the low sugar mix with low carb milk and then microwave it to make it warm. A friend of mine gets the white chocolate pudding and mixes it with chocolate low carb milk - he says this ends up with a smoother blend.

You can put low carb whipped cream on top if you want, or just enjoy it plain! The Jello sugar-free mix is sweetened with aspartame, so I wouldn't eat this every day - but for an occasional chocolate fix, it works very well!

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