Book Report Ideas

Book Report Ideas
Homeschoolers enjoy having the opportunity to present book reports. Whether it is a co-op or a homeschool class, homeschool children like and need the experience of presenting for a group. Here are ten ideas for your homeschooler to create awesome book reports that not only wow their peers, but are also tons of fun to do!

1. Paper Bag Report- Students will write the name and author on the back of the bag, and draw a picture on the front of the bag. The picture should represent a charcter or place of importance in the book. Next, your child will fill the bag with seven to ten items, that can be pulled out to represent happenings in the story. As your child retells the story, he or she can pull out items and explain their items significance.

2. Create a sculpture of a main character in the book. Use any combination of soap, wood, clay, or even Legos will work. Your homeschooler should give an explanation of how this character fits into the book, and the challenges and triumphs the character faced in the story.

3. Create puppets to represent the characters in the story and put on a show! Be sure to tell the story through your show.

4. Dress as one of the characters and act out a scence from the book. Or, talk about your experience as that character.

5. Create a song to express the story and it's contents.

6. Make a comic strip or graphic novel to tell the story to others.

7. Create a timeline for the story, and explain it to others.

8. Do a book review, giving the book the number of stars you feel it desrves. Be sure to explain why you rated it the way you did.

9. Create a miniature setting for the story, using anything from Legos to Paper Dolls to small figurines. Offer your report while showing your miniature creation.

10. Make a homemade game to represent your book. Use trivia from the story, challenges or puzzles. A piece of cardboard is a perfect base to decorate and create a game board on. Use extra dice and pieces from traditional board games, or create new ones.

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