The Super Bowl Can Lead to Super Love

Women who are not into football often dread the Super Bowl. They might feel
Consider this game, as the ritual end to the entire football season and so, a celebration in nod of Valentine’s Day. In other words, a good relationship is based on reciprocity. You make the game a great experience for him and he will do the same for you on V-Day
How to use the Super Bowl as an opportunity for Super Love:
For more information on managing your stress and reclaiming your life read my book, Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life. To listen to archived radio shows with guest experts visit Turn On Your Inner Light Radio Show
- Intimidated by the logistics of the game
- Jealous of all the attention the game gets from him
- The need to leave the house or stay in the kitchen preparing snacks
Consider this game, as the ritual end to the entire football season and so, a celebration in nod of Valentine’s Day. In other words, a good relationship is based on reciprocity. You make the game a great experience for him and he will do the same for you on V-Day
How to use the Super Bowl as an opportunity for Super Love:
- Don’t stand naked in front of the TV to distract him. Any kind of jealousy, even of a football game, is a turn-off to him. Anyway, you will lose this battle when he tells you to move out of the way and not even notice that you are naked. Give him a clear pass to watch without demanding any attention.
- The way to a man’s heart is through meat and fat. This kind of diet soothes his soul the same way ice-cream and carbs do for yours. However, you are in control here and don’t have to clog his arteries. Clogged arteries don’t lead to good sex. You can make heroes with lean meats, use mustard instead of mayo, sneak in some field greens, sliced tomatoes, onions, roasted peppers, avocado and layer with different low-fat cheese slices on robust multi-grain bread. Mac and Cheese can be made with multi-grain pasta and low-fat cheeses. He won’t even notice the pasta is multi-grain as the cheese will cover it. There are healthy dipping options which don’t compromise taste like reduced sodium baked tortilla chips, or toasted pita slices – fresh spicy salsa as in Trader Joe’s version is great. Chicken and steak kebobs can replace chicken wings. You don’t have to compromise on flavor for a food fest. Just don’t discuss the healthy choice.
- The game will rev up his testosterone, so use it to your advantage. Don’t forget he will be viewing many steamy commercials! Make sure you dress for success after the game to balance all that testosterone with some estrogen. Stage the bedroom and feel free to use sexy football terms like tight end, touch down, wide receiver, and roughing the kicker. This game is won by inches!
- Even if you know nothing about football, bet on one of the teams. The prize is that the winner gets his sexual fantasy fulfilled. This adds more excitement to the game for both of you.
For more information on managing your stress and reclaiming your life read my book, Addicted to Stress: A Woman's 7 Step Program to Reclaim Joy and Spontaneity in Life. To listen to archived radio shows with guest experts visit Turn On Your Inner Light Radio Show