Perfumes-Music, What Do They Have In Common?

Perfumes-Music, What Do They Have In Common?
Perfumes and Musical Notes, What Do They Have In Common?

As the Fragrance Editor for Bella Online, I write a lot about essential oils. When I first started studying the science of perfume, every tad bit of information always referenced essential oils. The very first perfumes were made from them and to this day essential oils are still the base for perfumes. The problem I have is that most commercial perfumes are more synthetic than natural and the amount of essential oil is so small until it might as well be classified as a synthetic blend or fragrance blend.

Real Perfumes Have Real Essential Oils

The building blocks of any perfume are essential oils. These oils are extracted from flowers, leaves seeds, roots barks, fruits and resin. You’re all familiar with flowers, plants, fruits and leaves, which means you know that it takes a lot of these parts to give you one drop of oil.

The oils of many plants are gotten through distillation. Other methods of extracting oils from plants are, solvent extraction and enfleurage. Sometimes the materials used in making perfumes are even more concentrated than essential oils. Concretes are one of those materials. A semi-solid, waxy substance, concretes are extracted from the essential oils by volatile solvents.

In the distillation process not only does it separate the essential oil from the plant itself, it also concentrates and purifies the results.

Making Perfumes is like Composing a Musical Masterpiece

There are over 3000 raw ingredients available to choose from when making perfumes. Often referred to as top, middle and base notes perfumers use this method to create an overall essence. Perfumer’s use this system to correspond the scents to the musical scale and create fragrant symphonies. If the perfume is formulated just right, the results will yield a symphony of scents and will become one with the wearer.

In the perfume industry, the person creating new fragrances is known as a “Nose”. They began their work on what was known as an organ. It has that same basic outline of the ones you see n churches and cathedrals. Today you will find very few perfumers working at an organ, instead perfumes are created in laboratories. A product profile is created, focusing on the client’s fragrance concept, lifestyle, packaging and a name. They all must complement each other in order for the right person with the right vibration to enjoy the scent.

Because synthetic perfumes can cause skin irritations, the more natural the perfumes the better able you’ll be to find a signature scent that says so much about who you are.

Life Never Smelled So Sweet!

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