The Many Flavors of Journals

The Many Flavors of Journals
There are many various types of journals and journal styles. Each causes one to express ideas and thoughts in different ways. Most journalers choose one of the two most popular journal style: Freestyle Journal or Guided Journals. A freestyle is one where there is no structure while a guided journal would use prompts or beginning sentences. Both have their merits and limitations.

Freestyle journaling is the more creative style of journaling. This style can become a sketchbook one day or a guided prompt the next. Whereas a guided journal are more commonly known as the ‘fill in the blank’ types of journals. Book reports can be seen as a guided journal since you are recording specific thoughts of the book just read.

Many venture into other types of journals to enrich their journaling experience. Below are some of the most popular types.

Type #1
Personal Journal or Diary. . .special dates, memories, facts, dreams, hopes and such fill these pages.

Type #2
Scrapbook Journal. . .usually accompanies images of special days, events, vacations or moments where you record what those images are. They are used as a way of triggering memories.

Type #3
Prayer Journal. . .holds prayers written out, prayer requests, answered prayers that builds one faith in a Faithful God who does answer prayer.

Type #4
Thanksgiving Journal. . .is many times called a gratitude journal where one records things, people or events they are especially thankful for. This type serves as a way of remembering so that when tough times come all one has to do is read over the times they were grateful for and be encouraged.

Type #5
Friendship Journal. . .is shared between friends most of the time. This type of journal is usually intended to be given away to a close friend. Inside one would find moments that hold special meaning. These journals can be important for friends that have moved away or a way of healing a broken friendship.

Type #6
Recipe Journal. . .is filled with family recipes, special traditions and all the trimmings that go with the tradition. Many have ignored this type of journal due to the face paced world we live in. So many traditions and family recipes have been lost.

Type #7
Art Journal. . .or sketchbook, as many call it are becoming increasingly popular. The act of drawing brings a journaler in touch with the subject that has touched them. These types of journals do not have to be anything more than stick art, but the more detail the more precious they become.

Type #8
Travel Journal. . .is a habit that can enrich not only memories of a vacation or travel destination but can sharpen the vacation or destination while traveling. It is always great to look back on not only memories but of specific facts like gas prices and hotel accommodations.

These are just a few journals that one might find interesting to add to their journaling routine.

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This content was written by Kathy Garcia. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Kathy Garcia for details.