Home Décor and Winter Scents
Winter is a time when you close your house up tight blocking out as much of the cold as possible. For those of you in warm climates that may never have to experience snow, ice and wind chills below zero, you can still benefit from the ideas I’m about to give for keeping your house smelling pleasant and fresh.
Because believe it or not, if you’re running your air conditioning and never open up your house to get a fresh breeze, your home can also suffer from stale odors that come about.
So how do you give and keep your home smelling fresh and wonderful? Let’s talk about some of the things we do.
Scented Candles - Yes when all else fails, scented candles not only provide you with a wonderful aroma for your home, they will give you ambiance from the light they provide.
When you find a great smelling candle that doesn’t loose it’s fragrance after the first five minutes, you might have found yourself a winner. Take note of the brand and scent because you know that it works.
Crème Brulee, Spearmint Eucalyptus, Vanilla and a good Gardenia scent will give life to your environment without you being overwhelmed by the scent of the oils.
Air Fresheners - There was a time when the term air freshener referred to cars. But now you’re looking at a completely new product for your home. Big brand companies have the kind that you plug into the wall and they release a mist when you walk by or on a timed sequence.
I remember the first time I visited an Aunt that was using these little plug-in’s. I was in the powder room, heard a noise and smelled an aroma. I’d just watched one of those Ghost Shows and it was talking about mist and aroma’s emitting from the vapors. I’m thinking OK here we go!
So before I hurt myself trying to get out of the bathroom, I found the where with all to stand still and breathe. One the wall by the vanity was this air freshener plugged into the socket. Needless to say, I was fine after the discovery of the plug-in.
Potpourri - As much as I love potpourri, for me it became a dust catcher. Maybe it’s where I lived at the time but it just seemed as though it gathered dust on top of dust everyday.
Some people love it, it’s low maintenance, just spray it with a scented mist or add oils to it, toss it like a salad and you’ve got yourself a bowl of renewed fragrance for that particular room.
Room Sprays - If you’re the creative type and enjoy essential oils, you can make some very personal and luxurious room sprays. Not only will they work for your room environment but you can mist your sheets and pillows in your bedroom as well as your sofas and chairs.
Finally …
There’s nothing like opening your windows and allowing fresh air to flow through your home. You’ll be able to enjoy the scents and aromas of the season. The smell of fresh air in the Winter, beautiful floral scents from Spring and Summer and Fall brings in its own aroma as well.
Nature is always supplying us with the perfumes of the season, our job is to slow down long enough to enjoy them.
Life Never Smelled So Sweet!
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