Rosemary - The Essential Oil of the Week

Rosemary - The Essential Oil of the Week

This has been a week for Rosemary Essential Oil (Rosmarinus Officinalis). It found its way into essential oil blends and into pots in my kitchen as I prepared meals. Things have a way of working their way into your life when you need them.

This was a week of research for of all things, growing your hair using essential oils. In researching the oils for hair growth, Rosemary kept coming up as the premier oil. Rosemary is categorized as a stimulating oil and therefore could encourage hair growth. When applied to your scalp as a hair oil or hot oil treatment, it is said to benefit your scalp and can help with scalp disorders.

I also learned that Rosemary is a strong astringent and can be helpful with sagging skin – toning and binding- and can ease congestion, puffiness and swelling. Ok, how many of you are running to your pantry?

There’s nothing like baked chicken or steamed vegetables seasoned with fresh rosemary but for skin and hair, its use had totally escaped me and I work with oils.

Rosemary Oil – Its Uses and Benefits

So let’s take a look at Rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis), the essential Oil and the herb. It’s extracted by steam distillation using the flowers. Its fragrance is camphor-like. I don’t smell camphor but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t smell like camphor to others. The oil is distilled in different regions. Rosemary has its origins in the Mediterranean but is cultivated today in France, Italy, Spain, Yugolsavia and Tunisia.

And because of the different regions in which it’s cultivated today, oil from France is known to be more effective for your liver whereas oil from Spain is known to be more effective for your heart.

Not only is rosemary used as a stimulating oil, but it’s also referred to as a strengthening oil that’s strong and clear with the spirit of yang energy.

Rosemary oil is also used to aid in mental clarity and strengthens your nervous system. And I also found that Rosemary oil is used quite often in situations that help with mental clarity, mood swings, concentration and centering. Who among us doesn’t need a little clarity and centering?

Rosemary blends well with sage and basil especially for hair growth. It also blends well with Cedarwood, Frankincense, Geranium, Ginger, Grapefruit, Lemongrass, Lime, Mandarin, Melissa, Myrtle, Orange, Peppermint and Tangerine.

With this list of complimentary oils, you're certain to find a combination for a great smelling perfume blend as well.

There are so many great uses for Rosemary, the oil and the herb. All it takes is your imagination and knowledge of essential oils to create your special blends that work for you.

There’s always a word of caution when working with essential oils:

* Rosemary essential oil in high doses can cause epileptic seizures, spasms and nausea. Therefore, it is NOT to be used by pregnant women nor those challenged with Epilepsy. *

* They must be diluted with carrier oils. *

Life Never Smelled So Sweet!

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