Lost Generation Video Inspires Change

Lost Generation Video Inspires Change
I just watched a video that was very clever, and very inspiring. It’s called “The Lost Generation,” and it’s getting a lot of attention on You Tube these days. It uses only voice-over and text to tell two stories. The first one being how young people today are apathetic and do not believe how they can change the world. The second story uses the exact same words to tell a story of the young generation believing that they truly can change the world.

This video, which essentially is a poem on film, talks about hope and change. It urges us to think about the power we all have within ourselves to make a difference, not only for ourselves in our own little lives, but for others in great need. We also hear about our ability to save the earth itself from environmental destruction.

I am inspired when I watch this video to spread the message of hope and change wherever I go. I am now beginning to plan for my Girl Scout Troop’s upcoming year, and I have a million ideas of how we can effect change. I am thinking of starting my own business and I have already incorporated charitable giving before I even make one cent. I am going to show my children the video to continue to encourage them to have faith in themselves to make a difference.

That’s what this video does. It looks straight at you and aims for the heart. It tells you not to believe that one voice is too small. One voice has the power to get another voice talking. One hand has the power to get another hand helping. One heart has the power to get another heart caring. One person has the power to get another person doing – doing something, doing anything, giving of themselves in some way, any way to help.

Giving is a state of mind. Whether you are giving your money, or giving your time, once you do so, it seems like you will live a life of giving. It feels good to give, it feels right to care.

Maybe you just haven’t found the inspiration to become a giver yet. Spend 60 seconds watching this video and, trust me, you’ll be a giver for life.

Take a look:
Lost Generation Video

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