
Hello, and welcome back! I just realized that this week last year, we had a monster snowstorm here. It’s far too warm here this week for this time of year. I’m hoping Mother Nature changes her mind about this early spring thing and lets me have some actual winter before the arrival of spring for real. Just one good snowstorm would satisfy me.

This time out, I have Raziel (Pocket, received from publisher) by Kristina Douglas, aka Anne Stuart. This one kicks off an intriguing new paranormal series with fallen angel Raziel and Allie Watson, the mortal whose soul he rescues rather than condemning her for eternity. By doing so, he starts something he never expected, something that might end in the destruction of the Fallen. Allie had never imagined anything like the things she’s seen since her death, and she certainly never dreamed a man as beautiful as Raziel would come into her life. The man is infuriating, commanding, and sexy as hell. But just because she wants him doesn’t mean she needs to give in to the urge. And Raziel simply refuses to give in to the urge, as he’s loved and lost more than once in his long, long life. But now flesh-eating Nephilim are set on destroying the Fallen, and they may have help from inside the stronghold of the Fallen. Allie has a lot of adjusting to do in
order to live in Raziel’s world, and she makes a friend, of sorts, a woman named Sarah, who is what is called the Source, the person who keeps the Fallen healthy and strong. I’m really not a big fan of stories told in the first person point of view, but this story is so compelling, that I found myself sucked right into this. Allie is a terrific heroine, strong despite the chaos she finds all around her, and Raziel is a super hero, or, rather superhero. He’s sexy, brooding and dangerous, while still protecting Allie from the danger she’s in from his own kind as well as their enemies. Douglas/Stuart is a phenomenal storyteller, and I have to say, I haven’t read anything by her that wasn’t amazing. Readers who love plenty of action and a fast pace will find much to admire here. This story is absolutely fabulous, and I can’t wait to see what comes next in this series. I’m giving this one four and a half of Cupid’s five arrows.

Until next time, happy reading!

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