Breach - PC Game Review

Breach - PC Game Review
An FPS focusing on destructible environments, "Breach" does not stack up to more developed titles and unfortunately falls short.

"Breach" is a multiplayer-only first person shooter. It uses a class-based experience system similar to Call of Duty - there's the usual mix of "rifleman", "support", "sniper", and so on. However, what's meant to make this game stand out is its destructible environments. Terrain hit by an explosive or a rocket will be deformed or destroyed. This can lead to some natural strategies like taking out bridges, opening holes in buildings to sneak through, or obliterating an enemy's cover.

If this is sounding familiar, it's because "blowing up terrain" is hardly new, with the most famous recent example being the "Bad Company" games. Unfortunately, that's basically all that Breach has going for it. The gameplay is the same standard shooter stuff, using the same guns that have been in thousands of other games. It doesn't handle particularly well on its own. The shooting mechanics are boring and unresponsive, and despite the theme of the game there's not that many explosive weapons. There's different multiplayer modes, but nothing actually new or exciting.

In addition, the game doesn't look that great. The graphics are decent, but bland, and the explosion effects - something that should be a centerpiece of the game's design - are pretty awful. There's nothing to really recommend this game, and it would probably be just as easy to buy a Call of Duty game or a Battlefield: Bad Company game. It's not a bad effort on a reduced budget, but the game simply doesn't have enough originality to be worth it on its own.

Rating: 5/10.

Purchased through Steam with our own funds.

Note: Steam is a web based system which allows you to buy a variety of games from the comfort of your own home. You make the purchase and immediately download the file - so you can start playing as fast as your network connection allows you to! I love instant gratification :) Well recommended.

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