Be Clear About Clear Coat

Be Clear About Clear Coat
Apparently, there are some people confused about clear coat. Some people seem to think that clear coat is what makes your vehicle shine. Well, that being NOT TOTALLY true, let's set the record straight. Clear coat is simply that--a CLEAR COAT OF PAINT! It also has been brought to my attention that some dealerships and the like are telling their customers that they are implementing a "treatment" to their Clear Coat. This is just another way of defining the implementation of Waxing!

Now that that's ALL CLEAR--YOU STILL NEED TO WAX YOUR VEHICLE! I am passionate about this folks...obviously. Your Clear Coat brings the depth to your vehicle's color. Much like clear coat nail polish--if you apply it on top of the nail color, it not only adds shine, but it adds depth to that color.

Before I knew anything about detailing...
My last car was a red Lumina Z34. I noticed that the clear coat begin to peel in an area between the rear drivers side and the roof. It never dawned on me what this meant. I took my car to the Dealership that I had purchased it from and they told me that it was indeed my clear coat and that it was not something that I should worry about. Some months later, I noticed that this area was getting bigger and bigger! AND that area looked dull and pale! I decided to visit a professional who told me that I COULD wax that area, HOWEVER; that area needed to be re-painted because not only did the color vary, the color coat needed to be sealed. The estimate was $600.00 to seal(patch and blend)and $900.00 to do a permanent job! I chose neither because I decided that that kind of money could be spent on a down payment for a new car! Which is what I did! Needless to say, the car I now have has been thoroughly maintained since day one and I couldn't be happier with the results! By simply keeping your clear coat protected, you are protecting what's under the clear coat!

Protecting your clear coat is serious business! That is the only barrier between you and your paint/color. If you were to examine your vehicle and find that your clear coat is peeling or you don't have a clear coating on your car, don't wait, get professional advice--there are remedies--more than when I was facing that dilemna. I hope I have been CLEAR on this issue! Any questions, comments or even advice, drop me an email.

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This content was written by Marie A. Stroman. If you wish to use this content in any manner, you need written permission. Contact Marie A. Stroman for details.